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Scout head alternatives: This might work!


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I don't know about you guys but I hate the (relatively) new plastic scout sculpts. So this is my solution. Since we get 5 extra bare heads out of death company/sanguinary guard boxes I utilized them in this way. See if you like it.





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This is the technique I've adopted for my latest batch of Neophytes. It's a total pain in the ass getting the fit right and keeping the socket properly centered, but it looks better than my previous choice. And it's a helluva lot easier than trimming and filing the top of a helmet into a smooth dome. tongue.png

Also, be aware that if you use heads from other ranges/kits, the ball of the neck changes size. I did not enjoy that little discovery.

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I was considering using Tempestus Scions heads but that would require a whole wasted box of astra millitarium, I cant believe ive never thought of this before, excellent work.

Do they fit well, or do you need to bash a bit?

I just carved my way into the torso. Death company and sanguinary guard heads have rather small neck joints so it fits incredibly well.

You would just have to flatten out the bottom of the head I would imagine. As the marine heads have the large round "neck". Personally I use Brettonian Knight Errant heads as they pretty much fit into the scout neck off sprue.

Flattening out the bottoms is fine and all but making room for neck joints is better if you want to keep the neck details. Old scout sculpts have these detailed neck joints and the new sculpts flat out don't have necks which bothered me a lot.

This is the technique I've adopted for my latest batch of Neophytes. It's a total pain in the ass getting the fit right and keeping the socket properly centered, but it looks better than my previous choice. And it's a helluva lot easier than trimming and filing the top of a helmet into a smooth dome. tongue.png

Also, be aware that if you use heads from other ranges/kits, the ball of the neck changes size. I did not enjoy that little discovery.

Old tactical kit necks are too big for example. Only the death company sang guard heads fit without too much hassle.

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They do fit have to say, although all my death company heads are used for characters, and i don't want any normal troops looking the same as characters lol.


I guess if you have heads for your sergeants already and the DC heads not being used, then it looks to be a good looking option for alternative heads.



You would just have to flatten out the bottom of the head I would imagine.  As the marine heads have the large round "neck".  Personally I use Brettonian Knight Errant heads as they pretty much fit into the scout neck off sprue.


I'd be interested to see what the Knight Errant heads look like on scout bodies.

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Aye, it's certainly an option. My question though is (as I can't really tell from the images), do the scales match up? I was under the impression that the Scout heads were smaller than the marine heads.


They are a bit smaller because of their buzzcuts but I can't stand the look of them. Faces should not have actual corners. 


They do fit have to say, although all my death company heads are used for characters, and i don't want any normal troops looking the same as characters lol.


I guess if you have heads for your sergeants already and the DC heads not being used, then it looks to be a good looking option for alternative heads.



You would just have to flatten out the bottom of the head I would imagine.  As the marine heads have the large round "neck".  Personally I use Brettonian Knight Errant heads as they pretty much fit into the scout neck off sprue.


I'd be interested to see what the Knight Errant heads look like on scout bodies.


I have almost no bare headed marines in my army. I just love helmets so I have more than 40 spare heads.

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I actually use my bare heads for my DC as they are daft enough to run around without a helmet on...


Aye, it's certainly an option. My question though is (as I can't really tell from the images), do the scales match up? I was under the impression that the Scout heads were smaller than the marine heads.


They are a bit smaller because of their buzzcuts but I can't stand the looks of them. Faces should not have actual corners. 



This. I'd rather have an army of every type of Obliterator, led by old Lemartes, painted in My Little Pony colours and based on cake sprinkles than have those Scout heads in my collection.

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I use bald, balding, or bearded screaming heads for all my Special Characters including Sergeants because, come on, what would a Space Marine army be without screaming angry bald men everywhere?


I've had no use for DC heads as of yet, and they do look rather youthful compared to most SM heads.  This idea is probably what I would go with unless I wanted non-GW models, in which case I'd simply go with Anvil Industries Exo-Lord Black Ops models, and lose the backpacks.






You can buy the heads seperately, which would also work a charm if you already have the plastic models:




Alternatively, some other heads I've seen used for plastic scouts:





Pig Iron HD6 for a Doomguy look:






EDIT: Some BA Doomguy Scouts by B&C's Kardion: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/302561-blood-angel-scouts-showcase/




Pig Iron HD15 for a Stormtrooper Scout (Battle of Endor) look:




Pig Iron HD17 for a Halo ODST look:




Pig Iron HD18 for a Halo Spartan look:



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  • 2 weeks later...
I've been toying with the Tempestus Scions head idea for a while, I just can't get the courage to do it. I've previously made hooded camo cloaks for my scouts, making a rough helmet from goggles and rebreather masks. The green stuff covers enough to hide the rough work, and you can even make lower face wraps for diversity.
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Sadly not a head alternative, but I was giving thought to using the Dreamforge Eisenkern guys with suitable heads (possibly the Scion heads):




Sadly, the heads are the only part of these models I don't think are ideally suited to Space Marine Scouts.  And, given that the major problem with Space Marine Scouts is the heads, I guess it leaves you in the same position as before.  Still, worth being aware of options!

What are the chances of seeing those conversions from the OP with a better quality photo, maybe even painted up?  I think they look really good, to be honest - but I'd love to get a clear look at them!

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Sadly not a head alternative, but I was giving thought to using the Dreamforge Eisenkern guys with suitable heads (possibly the Scion heads):




Sadly, the heads are the only part of these models I don't think are ideally suited to Space Marine Scouts.  And, given that the major problem with Space Marine Scouts is the heads, I guess it leaves you in the same position as before.  Still, worth being aware of options!

What are the chances of seeing those conversions from the OP with a better quality photo, maybe even painted up?  I think they look really good, to be honest - but I'd love to get a clear look at them!


I do freelance work and I am a bit busy at the moment. But I will paint at least one of them soon just to see how it looks with the arms and all. 

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Have to say, I used a sanguinary guard head - one with the eyepiece - for my scout sarge and it fitted no problem. Scale was good, it looks a little bigger than the standard scout head I think but it makes the sergeant appear slightly more developed without being disproportionate.
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Here you go. The best I can do for now.




Have to say, I used a sanguinary guard head - one with the eyepiece - for my scout sarge and it fitted no problem. Scale was good, it looks a little bigger than the standard scout head I think but it makes the sergeant appear slightly more developed without being disproportionate.


The head by itself is fine. It's the hair that makes it look big. 

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Sadly not a head alternative, but I was giving thought to using the Dreamforge Eisenkern guys with suitable heads (possibly the Scion heads):




Sadly, the heads are the only part of these models I don't think are ideally suited to Space Marine Scouts.  And, given that the major problem with Space Marine Scouts is the heads, I guess it leaves you in the same position as before.  Still, worth being aware of options!

What are the chances of seeing those conversions from the OP with a better quality photo, maybe even painted up?  I think they look really good, to be honest - but I'd love to get a clear look at them!


Well, that screams way too much Master Chief to me to make me think of Scouts..  Actually, combine them with these:




And just run a counts as C:SM Spartan army. :)


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Scouts with Scion helmets below. I also have a squad with the hooded sniper heads from Anvil I can take a pic of when I get home tonight. In my experience both the hooded heads and the Scion helmets required a tiny bit of dremel work to make them fit and not look goofy, you could probably get away with filing down the "neck" on the Scion heads and it would work, the Anvil stuff not so much as the neck bit is kinda hit or miss. 

The full helmet stuff for the Anvil Exo lords are too big for scouts imo, they still look slightly out of scale, that may largely be a personal opinion thing though.


Oh and the Eisenkern heads on scouts work too, but you need to either dremel out the neck, or trim down the neck bit. I made one model like that as a test also, but it's on an old metal scout body. I'll see if I can dig that up as well. I didnt care for it as much personally.







Scion bodies with Eisenkern heads so as to not be wasteful!


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