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Identifying Model

Brother Mitch

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Greetings Brothers,

I have recently acquired some models that I was told were commissars. The first one looks like it is wearing a 95th Essex Rifles uniform like sharpe does with a jacket on his shoulders, he isn't wearing a hat and is armed with what looks like an old school power fist and a laspistol.

I have uploaded a photo to my gallery, but I don't seem to have the options to upload it with my post and I am unaware of how to upload it.

Thank you for any help.

Brother Mitch

Edit: Photo added, Elmo


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Thanks Elmo9141, I felt a bit stupid but could not find a way to add the photo into the post.


@ CoffeeGrunt: I think the bare metal one is from the penal legion, would be cool to know his name?

The painted one is the model I'm trying to identify, I would like to see how others have painted it or background fluff!!

@Elmo9141: thanks for the link to adding images, I was trying to find that guide but my searching skills obviously leave a lot to be desired.


I also had never seen the models before, think the dual las commissar will look quite nice once I get him painted up.

The one on the right is one of Schaeffer's Last Chancers, you can see him at the front here:



I think the one on the left is a converted Commissar with Powerfist, with a headswap and a las pistol replacing a sword in his right hand. 

Looks like someone might have been inspired from the Dawn of War: Winter Assault commander for that conversion? Good post Cyder, I knew we let you post here for a reason msn-wink.gif Also maybe the hope you'd bring some clotted cream from time to time...

Yep, the one on the right is "good guy," one of the last chancers...and yes, that's a lasgun with the barrel chopped off (more's the pity!)



No clue about the one on the left.  I have a few old annual catalogs from about 12 years ago, I can look in those when they get here...the movers deliver my stuff tomorrow.


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