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Converting a Redeemer to a Crusader....

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Hail Brothers!


Right now I'm looking at my completed Land Raider Redeemer wishing I had made it a Crusader so it would hold my 5 man terminator squadron, Captain Karlaen, AND my Sanguinary Priest in power armor.


So is it that hard converting the redeemer to the crusader? Seems I just need to remove the side sponsons and refit them for the hurricane bolters right?



Hmm maybe you can cut out the sponsons and buy the Crusader/redeemer upgrade kit. It looks like it has everything you need to follow the tutorial above except that you would maybe have to glue in the sponsons themselves depending how expertly you removed the previous housings.
If you built it allowing the sponson to swivel, then you should be able to snap the rod that rotates. This should then just lift out. With that free, get the upgrade kit linked above and use the new rods and weapons included to make one that you can swap out. On mine I just haven't glued the weapons to the rod. They stay put as its a tight fit, and you can interchange them quite easily. That's the easier way I can think of without using custom parts


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