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2015 - Year of the Angel - 2/2 Tactical squad

Crusader Bob

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Blood Angels, my first love.... gaming wise at least.


New year, new proposition, update my oldest army to be the best i can make it. 

First order of businness was getting it to be legal again, me and assault squads..... So i've bought a new tactical squad, because three flamers are just wonderful, and a box of sniper scouts, because why not? Something has to take care of backfield objectives, despite my full speed ahead usual strategy. I hardly do anything but charge. 


The probably year long project (my finances are not what they used to be these days) will be to tidy up old pieces, completely redo what needs to be, and rebase everything. The new bases are awesome in my opinion, big enough to give the sense of a marine being more than human. As if power armor wasn't enough. 


Oh, and play, yes. My friends decided i don't like the game because i play so rarely. So double header vow for this year. 


To start, i've worked on some bases, just to get down a new style 



Is not amazetastic, but compared to my usual "slap some glue and drip them in flock", we're talking miracles here. 

I just get too excited towards the end of a model, and i want to see it complete, so bases are an afterthought. I've discovered that if i do them first there's actual effort in making bases look good as well. Progress!


That's it for now, just excited for a new project

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First update, on the wings of enthusiasm i've painted something as a try, see where i am. 




Pretty satisfied about them, first time i don't get blind watching a pic of red marines i've painted. Gotta get the good sides when there are. Jokes aside, i think it can turn out as a more than decent army if i can keep up like this. 


I know i should do something about the scout's shoulder, but i quite hate decals, and i'm not great at freehanding. Think simple geometric forms is pretty much the extent of my ability. Any advice?


Oh, yeah, comments, feedback, whatever. Bash me! Please?

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Looking good, really good. That tac marine is excellent. I too prefer the second/middle base. I think the final drybrush on the third was a bit too much. 


I mean, you really have to wipe pretty much all of the paint off, then just tickle the base!

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Thanks for the comments, i think i'll try something like that about the bases. My idea was to make them really bright to have a stark contrast with the red armours, but maybe i'm going too far as it is. 


Speaking of which, i'm thinking to go a step further and use 40mm ones for HQs. Really liked how imposing Krom looks on one, and with troops on 32 ones, looks like a natural move. 

A friend told me i might meet people thinking i'm cheesing units by doing so though, it would in fact give a little more room to bubbles like Corbulo's or the Sanguinor's.

What do you think about that?

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And then there were six. Some progress on the tactical marines, though i'm pretty sure something escapes me. Might be because i've never used them before, one way or another almost all my marines were the pistol/ccw version, so i always find hard to line up bolter arms properly. I don't think is coming along badly, but could be better i think. 




I'm afraid i will have to repaint the whole red part of the army in the end, these ones are a lot darker than my old "style". But i kind of look forward to it. Too bad that unless the new bases return available i'm stuck after this squad. 

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Bases are looking good, the second or third one in your comparison pictures are the ones to go for (and it looks like you went with the third?) You might want to consider some grass tufts, or a light drybrush of something brighter (ushabti bone, tyrant skull?) on the edges of the rocks to make them pop a little more.


I like the way your scouts are shaping up, lookig forward to seeing a full squad.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Tactical squad Castiel ready! Funny thing, is my first real tactical squad, like, ever.

Between Crusades, Grey Hunters, Assault Squads i've never had a standard Tactical Squad before. And that's quite odd.



I'm pretty proud of them, far from perfect, but i'm improving and that's always a good thing.

The hardest part was to put toghether the sergeant, i was set on the loadout, but the pose took some time. Didn't really want to make pointing finger of doom #3257, but combi weapons are huuuge. Ended up in a businness like sternguard style pose. Bit of a shame hiding the chest armor, but had to sacrifice something.

Then i've turned on something else, a bit of updating of old pieces. Here comes Jophiel, Sanguinary Guard elder, still serving in dreadnought form


Updated the base and cleaned it up a little. Wasn't bad per se, unless you think a golden dread is a bad idea, which i can understand. The magna grapple doesn't fit properly, the lights on top of the "hood" stick a bit too high. I don't consider it a big problem, is not glued there because i want to keep the choice between use the grapple or not.

That's it so far, sadly after the remaining scouts i'll be stuck, seems the new bases sell faster than....... whatever sells really fast where you live biggrin.png

What do you think brothers? Is it a worthy start for an army?

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