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The Euryalean Stoneborn


Euryalean Stoneborn

Engaged in a perpetual struggle to cleanse the subterranean tunnels of their home world of Orks, the regiments of Euryale have become experts at fighting at close quarters and in confined areas. Although lacking the parade-ground discipline of other regiments, the Stoneborn are ferocious warriors, honour-bound to spill the blood of their enemies or die in the effort.



Euryale is the seventh planet of the Vitharr system, which lies on the Cygnus Arm of the Segmentum Obscurus. An industrial mining world, Euryale’s surface consists of a single major landmass, and a large proportion of the water on the planet exists in the many rivers and lakes that negotiate the planet’s vast mountain ranges.

The world was first colonised by refugees from Medusa, the home world of the Iron Hands Chapter of the Adeptus Astartes, during the chaotic period that followed the galactic civil war. In honour of their Medusan heritage, the planet was given the name of another gorgon from ancient Terran myth, Euryale.

Euryale was poorly suited for large-scale agriculture however and, despite the enormous potential of the planet's rich mineral seams, the early settlers struggled to eek out an existence, relying heavily on pastoral farming to support the growing colony. Indeed, it was only once the Euryaleans began to forge close partnerships with other nearby planetary systems that the population began to grow and thrive. Each playing to their strengths, Euryale agreed to trade with the lush, verdant world Vitharr, exchanging precious metals and gems for a steady supply of food.

As the settlements developed over the centuries, the specialised industries of each planet grew in kind. Vitharr is now a breadbasket world, contributing the lion's share of its produce to the Imperial war machine and using what little remains to feed the inhabitants of the local star system. Euryale on the other hand has been almost cored like an apple to provide huge quantities of iron, zinc, copper and aluminium for the forgeworlds of the Mechanicum: the planet is now littered with the vast craters and labyrinthine depths of former mines. Virtually picked clean, only small-scale mining continues on Euryale. Nevertheless, mining continues to dominate the world's economy. Raw materials are now extracted from nearby asteroids and moons and brought Euryale to be processed and refined, before being sent further afield.

The Stoneborn

Euryale and Vitharr have not always been such close allies, however. In circa 700M39, Vitharr began expanding its reach and took control ofseveral other neighbouring planets, including the desert world Nomos (the fourth planet) and the densely populated Amphiarus (the sixth planet). Whilst the sparse Nomosian peoples embraced the leadership of Vitharr, Amphiarius required firmer persuasion. After a sixth-month blockade, Amphiarus capitulated - the planet's food supplied having been exhausted three months earlier. Growing in confidence, when Vitharr moved to conquer Euryale, it attempted to over-awe the Euryaleans with a great show of force. The planet's orbital defences were quickly dismantled by the Vitharr fleet, and the nascent empire's army was deployed en masse to the surface. The Vitharri forces were unprepared for the kind of war facing them on Euryale, however. Within months of landing, Euryale's cities had emptied, its citizens retreating to the comparative safety of the world's vast mining systems. The labyrinthine systems were a death trap for any enemy forces sent in to root out the Euryaleans - entire regiments disappeared within their depths - either destroyed directly, or simply trapped and left for dead by a controlled cave-in. Far from content to castle themselves within their subterranean refuges, the Euryaleans launched attack after attack from the network. Vastly outnumbered by the Vitharri the Euryaleans could not face the invaders in open combat, instead the mining systems gave the Euryaleans the opportunity to pick when and where they would fight, and it is from this conflict that the warriors of Euryale earned their epithet 'Stoneborn' - the soldiers appearing to simply materialise from within the rocks themselves.

With neither side able to secure a convincing victory over the other, the war deteriorated into a brutal war of attrition.The conflict dragged on for four more years before the Vitharri were forced to abandon their conquest. Although the war was brought to a close with the departure of the last Vitharri soldier, the two sides did not agree on a permanent truce and it was only around 150 years later that the two sides were able to bury the hatchet.

Training, Doctrine and Equipment
The Stoneborn excel at close quarters engagements and their training and doctrine focus on that strength, with drills concentrating on firing lasguns whilst on the move, whilst bayonet and long-knife practice features prominently in the regimen. The Euryaleans make extensive use of non-standard equipment in hand-to-hand combat, including hatchets, trench clubs and even picks and shovels. Whilst the practice is officially frowned upon, it is in practice encouraged, with most commanders preferring that their soldiers use the weapons that they are most familiar and comfortable with. In many cases, weapons are family heirlooms, or have some cultural significance to a warrior’s clan. Most iconic of these, though, are the enormous two-handed swords, known as claidheamh-mòr (or Claymore in High Gothic), wielded by the regiment’s officers and veterans. The blades require incredible strength and practice to use effectively and are devastating in the hands of an expert, capable of even slicing through ceramite. A mere initiate, however, can be a greater threat to his friends, so their use is strictly monitored and limited generally to veterans and officers, although if a guardsman can demonstrate that they have the necessary skill, they will be given special dispensation to carry a great sword.
The Stoneborn have an almost unhealthy obsession with fire and make extensive use of flamer and melta-based weaponry, including both personal and vehicle-mounted variants. Hellhound tanks are a common sight on the battlefield, whilst almost all of the regiment’s transports are fitted with hull-mounted heavy flamers. The regiment’s pyromaniacal tendencies are another hangover of the perpetual subterranean Ork war. Flamerthrowers are devastating within the confines of the mines, and the flickering pilot lights are reassuring in the dark depths. More importantly, though, scouring the rock face with flame seems to be the only way to eradicate Ork spores, and provides the only hope of eventually ending their terrible presence on the planet. The importance of melta weaponry to the legion, however, is far more practical. The melta guns of the imperial guard have a lot in common with many of the mining and extraction tools on Euryale, enabling soldiers to replace and repair faulty gear with relative ease. Meanwhile, the Stoneborn’s fascination with wire extends to a number of other more exotic pieces and ammunition. The regiment uses a steady supply of carcass munitions, volatile incendiary variants of shotgun and mortar shells which excel at eliminating more resilient or entrenched enemies but have a tendency to backfire and kill their user.
Much of the standard imperial arsenal is either eschewed by the Euryaleans or simply unavailable to them. Grenade launchers, for example, are widely ridiculed by the Stoneborn, who carry packs of frag and krak grenades as part of their standard battle gear, finding it laughable that other regiments would use a special piece of equipment to grenade an enemy from a distance. The Stoneborn would rather get close enough to their foes to shove the grenades somewhere unpleasant, than cower behind barricades with a child-sized mortar. Plasma rifles, are another matter, however. Whilst many Euryalean commanders would dearly love to secure access to such resources, they are inevitably intercepted, commandeered, delayed or ‘lost’ en route to the regiment. Curiously, regiments raised by the Vitharri seem to have an abundance of the weapons. The lack of such high-powered gunnery has pushed the Euryaleans towards other, more esoteric weaponry, and the Stoneborn are rapidly developing a fascination with poison and acid-based equipment.


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Argh! Damn it, now I want to get those Highlander Vets I planned last year. What's wrong with you people, why can't you leave me and my wallet alone? :lol:


Your army is going to be fantastic, don't disappoint us now - I'm feeling daily updates with new models sounds fair right? ;) We'll be happy to help with the write up if you need it, it's just a matter of coming up with the ideas and working through your text a few times I find :) Is their kilt based on your family's one?


A big chunk of my family are Scottish and although I wasn't born there myself, I was basically weened on whisky and bagpipe music, so I jumped at the chance to do an army all in skirts kilts.


The league is going go as follows, with some prizes thrown about at the end for sports, painting, etc as well as best overall ass-kicker

Feb - Kill Team (200 points) -
Mar - Combat Patrol
Apr - 1000 points
May - 1500 points
June - 1500 points
July - 1750 points


  • Lord of Terra (overall winner)
  • High Adept (best painted)
  • Spirit of the Game (most sporting player)
  • First Lieutenant (most progressed newbie)
  • Rogue Trader (most thematic army

I've got my eye on the Rogue Trader or Spirit of the Game awards. I'm gonna lose (a lot!) but by jove it'll be fun!

Army-wise I'm using the Death Korps Assault Brigade rules, mainly for the recycling platoons you get in games of 1500 and above. I used to love Chenkov's Send in the next wave! rule, and was pretty gutted that they took it out for the 6th ed codex, so this'll have to do instead!

I've been working on some fluff, but it's still WiP. I'm a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to writing, so I want to get it spot-on. I'll put the first draft of the fluff on in a later post but for now I'll shut up for now and get to the god bits

A few work in progress pics of the first Engineer Squad. The 'tartan' is really basic but its the best I can do for now, and it looks alright on the table.




This is what the main line infantry squads are going to look like. These guys have been done for a while, but I thought I'd sling the pics up here anyway.




And as an added bonus the first two engineers are done minus some last bits on the base:


Currently on the painting table are the rest of the engineers, including a badly converted mole launcher (the model I want to use isn't out yet sad.png )

plus a nearly-finished Hades breaching drill to escort these fine gentlemen onto the battlefield.

C&C welcome, as always. Cheers for looking biggrin.png

Cheers biggrin.png

Nah, not based on anything in particular. Although I might try and work in some other family iconography/motto stuff later on. DKoK can have lots of banners after all...

I just like the way it looked, and adding a few lines was the closest I could get to painting tartan. I've looked everywhere, but noone seems to sell any tartan paint sad.png

It's those Victoria minis! They're just too pretty. Already planning to add some Mordians to represent some marines (? are Naval footsloggers still called marines in 40k? Bootnecks, anyway).

Well you can only get tartan paint after a long weight, so that was your mistake there...


Mordians would make for great marines, but so would Scions I reckon as it feels right for ship to ship action to involve heavier armour and meaner guns.

Ha! My favourite one of them was whilst I was working in a prominent uk pub chain. One lad got sent from bar to bar asking for a reach-around thinking it was a tool for cleaning behind a coffee machine biggrin.png

Fair point on the marines thing. Now you've got me thinking about converting up some Stormtroopers to like the old beret ones...

Maybe I'll have the Mordians as the personal retinue of a local big-wig like a governor.

Kilts are something that can be as easy or hard as you want. What you have done works well and if you do a google search for British army kilts you will see what I mean. Colours range from the light brown of the WW1 trench kilt through some camouflaged materials and up to the full stripy Kilt of the highland clans.

Paint what you are happy with ;)

Did I say your highlanders look great thumbsup.gif

Cheers for the responses guys biggrin.png

@WarriorFish: I was thinking of the Scion heads, but I hadn't seen your tutorial. That'll make converting some up with gas masks a lot easier...

@Scatmandoo: Join usss.....

@Elmo: Thanks Elmo - I should've probably done a bit more research before starting out - I hadn't seen the plain/camo ones at all before! I'm working with the 3-foot rule for now. If it looks alright at arm's length, then it'll look ok on the table. Once I'm a bit happier with doing more careful freehand stuff, I'll try my hand at some proper tartan, like this:


@Pearson: Cheers smile.png

Here's the first of the finished engineers:




Any thoughts on the lighter rim around the bases? I thought they were looking a little too dark, but I'm not sure about the new colour.

And some more up-to-date WiPs of the stand-in mole mortar:




Thanks Scat.


Yeah, its a tough call. They are basically forgeworld prices. And Vultures are damned sexy - make sure the fund has the extra pennies for the punisher cannons though!


That's not a bad idea on the bases, but I'd prefer to keep to it unified across the whole army. I might finish the squad with the lighter tone then compare them with the others and see how they all look together. 

Cheers guys.


Got a couple of qs though:


1) What's the name for a solar system in 40k? Is it usually just [Main Planet] System, with the individual planets getting numbered?


2) I need help picking models for my Death Riders, I'm really stuck on whether to stick to the grim feel, or go a little bit more crazy and lose a bit of the WW1 theme.

I'm thinking either fantasy pistolier horses plus bits from Victoria Minis to match the rest of my army


These guys from blight wheel:


1) the naming system is the same, with "Name" System, or just "Name" and planets named appropriately. They may have particular names, as in the Sol system, but it's fairly common for them to be named numerically. In Gothic, of course - for example in the Cyder System you might have Cyder Prime, a blisteringly hot desert world and Cyder Secundus, a Forge World etc :)


2) I think you could do either, the chickens look cool though. For matching your army it's the riders that matter most, not the mounts.

Dammit, that's what I thought. I started writing about these different planets, but it got confusing switching between V, VII and so on.

Would a solar system named after the main planet work? With all the other planets still having their own name? Taking Sol as the example, it might be called the Terra System, but Mars would keep its name rather than just being Terra IV?

You can do pretty much anything, for example:


Cyder (sun)

Cyder I (desert world)

Cyder II (Forge World)

Cyder III (dead world)


In this example, they could also be referred to as "Prime" and "Secundus" - that's what the numbers mean after all! Or they could be explicitly known as "Cyder Prime", "Cyder Secundus". Equally, they could have their own planet names such as "Cyder's Forge" for II and "Pirate's Hold" for III. The official names are for the greater Imperium as much as anything else, as a Naval commander popping in from the warp isn't going to care or know about "Pirate's Hold", but he'll know what's what if he's told to bomb the hell out of Cyder III to eradicate the corsairs that use it as a base to harass shipping!


Don't forget planets and systems can also be renamed, so there's plenty of scope for differences if you want them :)

Ah OK, cool. Cheers for clearing that up.

The idea is that several of the other planets in the system are inhabited and, being quite close, they've become quite interlinked. It just got confusing talking about them as numericals.


Either way, reinforcements are en route:




Sounds good, it's easy to get mixed up with the greater events and to forget that there's also a lot of space travel and general events that never leave a star system!


I'm keen to see your models done, can't go far wrong with more artillery! :D

Thanks for the kind words Ammonius biggrin.png

I was planning to post some more WiPs tonight, but Photobucket is playing up so I'll just have to be content with some fluff.

I've assembled the battery of heavy mortars, but I've run out of black spray and can't get any more until payday on Friday sad.png

In the meantime, I've stripped some old stormtrooper models (these ones, not the beret-ed ones unfortunately) to use as Grenadiers.

This is all very much WiP, so any suggestions, comments or feedback are greatly appreciated. There's still more to come - I've got the idea in my head, I'm just struggling to phrase it in a way that I'm reasonably happy with.

Euryalean Stoneborn

Engaged in a perpetual struggle to cleanse the subterranean tunnels of their home world of Orks, the regiments of Euryale have become experts at fighting at close quarters and in confined areas. Although lacking the parade-ground discipline of other regiments, the Stoneborn are ferocious warriors, honour-bound to spill the blood of their enemies or die in the effort.


Euryale is the seventh planet of the Vitharr system, which lies on the Cygnus Arm of the Segmentum Obscurus. An industrial mining world, Euryale’s surface consists of a single major landmass, and a large proportion of the water on the planet exists in the many rivers and lakes that negotiate the planet’s vast mountain ranges.

The world was first colonised by refugees from Medusa, the home world of the Iron Hands Chapter of the Adeptus Astartes, during the chaotic period that followed the galactic civil war. In honour of their Medusan heritage, the planet was given the name of another gorgon from ancient Terran myth, Euryale.

Euryale was poorly suited for large-scale agriculture however and, despite the enormous potential of the planet's rich mineral seams, the early settlers struggled to eek out an existence, relying heavily on pastoral farming to support the growing colony. Indeed, it was only once the Euryaleans began to forge close partnerships with other nearby planetary systems that the population began to grow and thrive. Each playing to their strengths, Euryale agreed to trade with the lush, verdant world Vitharr, exchanging precious metals and gems for a steady supply of food.

As the settlements developed over the centuries, the specialised industries of each planet grew in kind. Vitharr is now a breadbasket world, contributing the lion's share of its produce to the Imperial war machine and using what little remains to feed the inhabitants of the local star system. Euryale on the other hand has been almost cored like an apple to provide huge quantities of iron, zinc, copper and aluminium for the forgeworlds of the Mechanicum: the planet is now littered with the vast craters and labyrinthine depths of former mines. Virtually picked clean, only small-scale mining continues on Euryale. Nevertheless, mining continues to dominate the world's economy. Raw materials are now extracted from nearby asteroids and moons and brought Euryale to be processed and refined, before being sent further afield.

Actual progress!

I've started using the B&C gallery instead, so it should make posting pics a little easier.

Assembled artillery and a test paint job


Test model for the Grenadiers. I'm also trying to save money on artillery crew, so I've done up these servitors that can stand is either objective markers or crew for the guns.


At the suggestion of one of the guys from my club, I've tried another darker brown for the base rim. Thoughts? I should be getting some more paints in at the weekend so I can test it again with just plain black or yet another brown.


Aaaand finally, the rest of the Grenadiers all based up and ready for the spray can


  • 2 weeks later...

After Action Report

The first shots have been fired in our league, and it has not gone well.

Our club held a mini event day, with everyone cramming in as many games of Kill Team as they could.

The result for me was: 6 Games, 6 losses. Oh dear.

On the plus side, although I had the shame of getting the wooden spoon prize (sadly not an actual wooden spoon, but some much-needed Nuln Oil), I also got voted for 'best painted' (not the best technically, but the best achievement for that player – we've got some ridiculously good painters here, so the conditions were left up to the players themselves) AND the most thematic army!

Definitely worth a day of getting cuffed for those accolaydes!

Despite taking my camera, I completely forgot to use the damn thing, so rather than blow-by-blow accounts, this'll have to be more of the highlights (although probably more like a gag reel...)

The list I used for the first 4 games was:

Death Korps Combat Engineers (x10)

Mole Mortar Team

Melta Gun (w/ Ignores Cover)

Carcass Rounds

Power Weapon/Melta Bombs on the Watchmaster

Hades Breaching Drill

Game 1

Opponent - Voidbeard and the Planetary Plunderers (Inquisition)

List – 3 Servitors with heavy weapons, 2 Death cult assassins, Razorback, several acolytes with bolters and a priest with storm bolter

Scenario – Capture the Hill

  • First Blood goes to Voidbeard. his Psybolted-Razorback picking off a hull point on the Hades in his turn, only for it to fail its terrain test and wreck itself during my turn.

  • The long range of his guns let's him take out a few of the engineers before I'm in range (something of a running theme with this list...)

  • One brave/stupid engineer spots an opportunity as several acolytes bunch up at the base of the hill, running forward to throw an acid bomb into the crowd. The grenade goes wide, and the engineers swiftly gets turned to Swiss cheese.

  • At the same time, another engineer pops his head out of cover to blast a death cult assassin with his shotgun, but the assassin is too fast and does the ole matrix limbo. The heavy bolter servitor returns fire and vaporises the shooter.

  • Unable to weather the broadsides from the pirates, the engineers are gunned down or flee with the exception of one warrior, who wishing to sell his life dearly, leaps onto the central hill and gives a death cult assassin both barrels. The gesture is futile, however, and the engineer is quickly and easily dispatched.

Game 2

Opponent – Blood Angel Death Company

List – 6-7 Death Company with Jump Packs

Scenario – Headhunt

Going in to this one, Fred and I both got the leader trait which grants an extra VP for killing the enemy leader in a challenge. Sadly, it never came to that, my leader was just a tiny bit scared about taking on a blood-crazed Astartes and decided to hide at the back, for all the good it did him...

  • Blood Angels take first turn and the Death Company surge forward, encircling the engineers and gunning down the first few of them

  • Although they were perfectly positioned to strike at the engineers next turn, three of the death company had lined up in front of the Hades, oblivious to machine's purpose. Charging forward, the enormous drill rolls over all three, blasting the trio apart with its melta cutter, and scattering their remnants behind it

  • Unable to do much else in their own turn, the engineers seem to be on a roll when the melta gunner obliterates a charging Blood Angel

  • But that was where their luck ended – unable to break the will of the Angels of Death, the engineers fell one by one to the remaining space marines. The Euryalean's put up a brave fight, attacking the sons of Sanguinius as they landed amongst their lines, but their weapons failed to penetrate the ceramite armour and, unscathed, the Death Company butchered their human adversaries.

Game 3

Opponent - Kaylum Veterans (Elysians)

List – Veteran Squad, 3 Snipers, Tauros with T/L Lascannon

Scenario – Headhunt

  • Another first turn death for the Hades, as the lascannon takes off a hull point and scores an immobilise result, leaving the breaching drill completely useless.

  • Lady luck hasn't entirely turned her back on the Stoneborn, though, and the mole mortar makes its first and only kill a good one, sniping the enemy leader

  • The bulk of the Euryaleans head straight across the middle of the table, taking cover behind a landing pad where they could, whilst the drop troops fell back, taking pot-shots as they went.

  • An outflanking Kaylum appears behind the mole mortar, looking to avenge his captain's death. His shots go wide, though, and the heavy weapon team run him down

  • Off in the far corner, one of the engineers is able to sneak up on a sniper, but his attempt to quickly eliminate the marksmen fails, and the Euryalean ends up brawling with the veteran. He lands blow after blow on the sniper, but the Elysian stays on his feet, defiant

  • Rapidly closing on the Elysian lines, the Stoneborn run out of cover and begin charging towards the drop troop lines, the melta gunner splitting from the pack take out the tauros

  • Out in the open, the engineers are sitting ducks for the Kaylum snipers and the Euryaleans there are wiped out before they get the opportunity to open fire

  • Meanwhile, the stealthy engineer on the far side of the board finally slits the Kaylum veteran's throat before leaping down from the sniper's vantage point and charging the drop trooper lines. Unlike his brothers, the engineer makes contact and kills another veteran, but is slain in the process

Here's a helpful pic of the sole survivor for the Euryaleans at the end of the game - the other tiny blobs are either the Elysians or dice...

(That's me in the Alien/Jurassic Park t-shirt, in case you were wondering)


Game 4

Opponent - Tyranid Splinter Fleet Scylla

Scenario – Forward Push

List- 4 Tyranid Warriors, 1 Lictor

  • The 'nid warriors open fire, and a stray blast disintegrates the melta-gunner taking cover behind the Hades drill, immediately removing the main threat to the xenos

  • The only other thing that can really hurt the warriors, the Hades advances straight into the midst of the 'nid lines, whilst several engineers close on flanking Lictor, firing and throwing grenades as they go.

  • The wounded Lictor makes short work of the first engineer before turning its attention towards the drill. Wary of the machine, the monster pulls off one of the tracks, leaving it foundering in place.

  • Without their heavy weaponry, the Stoneborn resign themselves to their deaths, charging into the maws of the warriors, wounding several but failing to fell a single beast.

Game 5

Opponent - World Eater Warband

Scenario – Capture the Hill

List – 5-6 Bikers, 2 with Melta Guns

I switched my list here, taking 10 Grenadiers with a flamer and a Griffon

  • Whilst the Grenadiers advanced up the centre, the main force of bikers swept down one flank, gunning down guardsman after guardsman as they go

  • On the opposite flank, a biker with a melta gun sped towards the heavy mortar vehicle, but failed to destroy it with his initial shot.

  • Keenly aware that it could not outrun the World Eater, the Griffon turned to fire on the massed ranks of bikers, blasting one apart and sending two skidding out of the way to avoid the conflagration

  • His comrades being picked off left and right, one soldier runs for the World Eater warlord and lets off a salvo from his hot shot lasgun. Only one shot finds its mark, but its enough, and the World Eater's second casualty is their leader.

  • To no-one's surprise, the death of their captain went largely unnoticed by the World Eaters who continued their butchery, tearing apart the last of the grenadiers and turning the Griffon to slag

Game 6

Opponent – Imperial Fists Sentinels of Terra

Scenario – Capture the Hill

List - 15 Scouts – 5 bolters, 4 snipers, Heavy Bolter, Missile Launcher, 4 Bolt Pistol/Chainsword

I changed my list again, using a full platoon (so 25 dudes), including 2 flamers.

With so many models on both sides, it would take forever to go over everything but the important bits were -

  • The Heavy Bolter Scout slowly advancing down one flank to get a bead on the commander – who broke and ran away before he could get shot – ultimately claiming linebreaker for the Fists

  • The first wave of Scouts getting obliterated by a volley of krak grenades from the platoon

  • The bagpiper taking a round of shooting from boltguns and snipers before he's finally silenced

  • One 'ard as nails scout taking on 5-6 guards by himself, shrugging off lasgun fire, krak grenades and a charge before finally keeling over

One of the guard sergeants killing a scout before attempting to charge two Scouts and being hit in the face with all four overwatching bolter rounds!

On a more positive note, my order from Vic's finally arrived! Still waiting on my angry birds from Blightwheel though sad.png

Send in the next wave!




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