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What would you compliment Butcherhorde with?


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Here's the situation....


For tonight I'm seriously considering Butcherhorde as I have a LOT of extra Berzerkers. Last night I went through my World Eaters inventory and found about 10 of the 'old' berzerkers, and about 10 of the Forgeworld ones, and another 10 of the unpainted Forgeworld ones.


So... at 1850 basically I figure 4 basic squad of CSM marked Khorne. One special weapon each... plasma or melta. Very vanilla squads.


Those 4 squads march behind 4 Berzerker squads in Rhino's with XA, and Dirge Casters (hey you never know!). The 4 zerker squads are a bit large... 7-8 models and each of those squads has the Icon of Wrath to increase the 8" charge roll.


Now at 1850 the above stuff leaves me with approximately 335 pts.


What would you fill those points with in Butcherhorde?

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Could I legally do that though? I mean we don't typically play unbound.... so I'd be Allying in that case which would make just taking Terminators very hard.


I like the idea as I do have Forgeworld Khorne terminators too. Just not sure if it's legal.


I was going to go with a Mayhem Helbrute Pack of 3. But that's because it's another dataslate.

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335 points could get you a deep-striking Helbrute pack


Or maybe some extra HQ units? 335 points could get you 3 barebones MOK+Aura+Power Weapon Chaos Lords. Remember, you can have multiple combined arms detachments in your battleforged army, so for every 2 units of CSM's or Berzerkers, you get the HQ allowance (assuming MoK and the elites to troops shift, etc, etc).

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335 points could get you a deep-striking Helbrute pack


Or maybe some extra HQ units? 335 points could get you 3 barebones MOK+Aura+Power Weapon Chaos Lords. Remember, you can have multiple combined arms detachments in your battleforged army, so for every 2 units of CSM's or Berzerkers, you get the HQ allowance (assuming MoK and the elites to troops shift, etc, etc).


The Butcherhorde is still a seperate detachment, so each lord you add will need to bring their own troops. Might be able to do it with cultists and allied detachments, for an additional screen for the foot guys. 


Prot, wouldn't it be better to have the regular marines in the rhinos, so that they get the special weapons into play earlier? Plus also adding combis to the squad champs? 

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335 points could get you a deep-striking Helbrute pack


Or maybe some extra HQ units? 335 points could get you 3 barebones MOK+Aura+Power Weapon Chaos Lords. Remember, you can have multiple combined arms detachments in your battleforged army, so for every 2 units of CSM's or Berzerkers, you get the HQ allowance (assuming MoK and the elites to troops shift, etc, etc).


The Butcherhorde is still a seperate detachment, so each lord you add will need to bring their own troops. Might be able to do it with cultists and allied detachments, for an additional screen for the foot guys. 


Prot, wouldn't it be better to have the regular marines in the rhinos, so that they get the special weapons into play earlier? Plus also adding combis to the squad champs? 



Yea that's what I thought.


Honestly, I have no faith in the CSM reaching the opponent's front lines.  I play a lot of armies with range, and indirect fire. Basically a Wyvern will wipe a squad a turn if not two (if I'm not careful).


I guess considering that, I put more points into the rhino squads. I gotta be honest, this doesn't feel like it will work. lol 

I'll probably go with a different list. :)


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Personnaly id say, put the CSM squads in the rhinos, the special weapons can shoot from the trapdoor, the Zerkers behind it with the rhinos covering them and they can assault when they want it, no need to wait the next turn for that.


Even if they get shot at, they are fearless so they will never run aways no matter the casualties, unlike the CSM.


Personnaly i'd go with 2 Maulerfiends, one with mecatendrils and one with magmacutters and with the rest of the points a cheap Lord with the Axe.


In an ideal world Maulerfiends would be 95pts a piece and Rhinos could be upgraded to Open-topped vehicles for a 5pts reduction, but hey...

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A JuggerAxe Lord, a Unit of Cultists (50 points) and the best Elite, FA, and HS shooting choices from IA13 as an Allied Detachment.

You can't take an Allied Detachment from the same Faction as your Primary.



Say wahhhhhhhhhhhhht...


Ok, waste another 50 points on a second cultist unit, problem solved. :p


Either way, if you want to use the butcher horde, get shooting, kill the metal bawksessssssssss and hack stuff up!

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A JuggerAxe Lord, a Unit of Cultists (50 points) and the best Elite, FA, and HS shooting choices from IA13 as an Allied Detachment.

You can't take an Allied Detachment from the same Faction as your Primary.



Sure about that one?, i though i saw something in the IA13 about Renegades and CSM that despite been both CSM for faction purpose, they could ally themselfs with one another...


or you're speaking with a CSm +CSM detchs?

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Blood Letters. Chaos Demons and Chaos Spacemarines of the same god compliment one another well, have the blood letters deal with 3+ and other elites while the Berserkers annihilate infantry and swamp terminators with sheer numbers of attacks. 

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A JuggerAxe Lord, a Unit of Cultists (50 points) and the best Elite, FA, and HS shooting choices from IA13 as an Allied Detachment.

You can't take an Allied Detachment from the same Faction as your Primary.



Sure about that one?, i though i saw something in the IA13 about Renegades and CSM that despite been both CSM for faction purpose, they could ally themselfs with one another...


or you're speaking with a CSm +CSM detchs?


I was referring to CSM + CSM detachments.
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