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750pts Thagmata Omnissiah


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HQ 85 pts

Magos Dominus -  Cyber Familiar, Augery Scanner



Adsecularis Covenant (10)– Rite of Pure Thought, carapace armour Las-Locks (70pts)


Thallax Cohort (3) – lightning guns,1 Multi Melta (150 pts)


Castellax Class-Battle Automata Maniple (2) Multi –Meltas,  (170 pts)



Heavy Support

Thanatar Class Seige- Battle Automata Maniple Paragon of Metal 275

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Do you not like having friends? That is what a Thanatar at this points level says laugh.png.

The carapace armor on the tech-thralls is 20 points you would be better served spending on something else. You could bet on the Thanatar and give it a targeting array and spending the remaining 5 points on say a volkite serpenta for the Magos. You could even drop the augury scanner and use the 20 points to give the Magos a conversion beamer for some more long ranged firepower. You might even wish to consider splitting the Castellax into two units for increased versatility.

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I am going up against a 750pt Necron list. Think this will do the trick?

Do you not like having friends? That is what a Thanatar at this points level says laugh.png.

The carapace armor on the tech-thralls is 20 points you would be better served spending on something else. You could bet on the Thanatar and give it a targeting array and spending the remaining 5 points on say a volkite serpenta for the Magos. You could even drop the augury scanner and use the 20 points to give the Magos a conversion beamer for some more long ranged firepower. You might even wish to consider splitting the Castellax into two units for increased versatility.

I think a Thanatar would do the trick :D

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Those poor battered Necrons...


So you are giving the Thanatar a targeting array?  That means your foe will likely get 5+ cover saves with a re-roll of successes against your primary weapon.  The Djinn-sight on the Thallax is going to mean 6+ cover saves for him and the Castellax will add even more misery and possibly be the assault phase clean up crew.  No where to run, nowhere to hide for the Necrons.  You really are only going to have one major weakness which is aircraft.  Necrons get good reasonably priced flyers and while you can ignore the airborne tesla rain, you will have to be cognizant of how you move to minimize your exposure to it.  You lack the points to include anti-air unless you give the Thallax Icarian, but doing so moves them to Heavy Support and the short range of their firepower makes that option tricky to use.  It is actually more efficient to simply ignore the aircraft and move to force them to fly off the table or spend a couple of turns realigning for another run. 


There are a few Necron units to watch for.  The first is Lords and Overlords with mind shackle scarabs (MSS).  With your low model count list these will prove particularly frustrating in the assault so shoot them if possible or if you need to face them in the assault throw the tech thralls and the Castellax or Thanatar at them being sure to get the tech thralls in base contact with the MSS model only.  Warscythes, which are likely to be on those two units, are +2 strength and AP2, so watch out for assaults with those present as well.  C'Tan can prove pesky as well and will mess you up in the assault, but as long as you deal with it before it reaches your lines there will be no problem.  You have the firepower to do this so long as you act in a very deliberate manner to kill it and not spread your shooting out. 


Target priority is going to likely be the make or break for you.  Look at what you face and make a kill order early on and stick to it unless you realize you botched the list then readjust and go from there.  Scarabs are a great anti-tank unit thanks to their entropic strike rule and load of attacks (best anti-Land Raider in the codex and only S3) so they are a likely sight so they are going to be a temptation to shoot with the Hellex mortar, but do not lose sight of the threat order you established and deal with them when the time comes not just because they are the easiest target.  You have high toughness so losing your armor save through entropic strike for the game will be a threat, but not necessarily a crucial one as you can use cover to make up for its loss if it does happen. 


Dealing with massed Necron Warriors can be tricky due to your low numbers and with a 50/50 of retrieving lost models a swarm of them can be particularly hard for the list to cope with so be sure to wipe out units as no reanimation protocol for destroyed units.  If the list is smaller and more compact then this will not be as important, but still worth noting.  Massed tesla fire is another threat as volume of fire will also hurt.  Immortals, Annihilation Barges (rarely taken), and aircraft are where the bulk of this will come from so hitting the first with Hellex is a great counter and melta on the barge works fine.  Necron vehicles can put out some long ranged high strength, low AP, large blast firepower, but you are set to deal with them so long as you are carefully spread out and ready to drop them by prioritizing them accordingly. 

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