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Stormfiends as Obliterators


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I actually really like that idea. Maybe give them a different weapon on each hand to represent their ability to swap, throw in a head swap and toss in some eight-pointed stars for good measure. Probably get rid of the tails too personally.


Size doesn't really matter to me, Rule of Cool is more important...but how big are they exactly? Anything to compare them to?

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If I hadn't already made my Ogryn conversions for Obliterators, I'd be figuring out how to sell a kidney to buy enough for 9 of these!


That said, they're great models and maybe I have room for a squad of Nurgle Obliterators to sit alongside my force options of Tzeentchian ones

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I had just started converting blight kings into large T7 marines, with modified assault cannons. (to count as rapier batteries with two handlers)

These gatling cannons are much better suited for the purpose! And there's a variety of guns on the stormfiends, the poison wind globadier looking thing can be ectoplasma, there's an exotic looking laser destroyer in it, and I'm sure that it can craft something that can count for the conversion beamer thing.

The rat bodies are just more spawn, brutes renegade ogryns or whatever.

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Man, I hadn't even noticed, but the stormfiends actually have a little puppetmaster/controller strapped in a baby carrier on their back.


Close up

A little snip of the controller's tail and you've got a perfect dark mechanicus experiment. Sold!

It's the little brain rat that unsold it for me. I could see running them as Mutilators myself but those babies have to go. msn-wink.gif

Now you have a great idea TJ... I think if you clipped off the rat face and put on a skull with a few hoses then you got your Mechanicus Controller Cherub. Can someone do that? Lol, I have too many projects as it is.

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  • 1 month later...

I'd LOVE to show you all some WIP pics of my own Stormfiend "Counts-As" Obliterators i'm working on for my Chaos Space Marine Renegade Space Wolves army (I've built THREE already, and will eventually be able to field NINE of them)!


Unfortunately, I can't seem to get the "Reply to this topic" function to allow me to upload my photos, or even accept my Photobucket links to them (every single time I try, the system "locks up" and I have to refresh the page to even be able to type anything again - all the photos are 1080 x 608 pixels in size, smaller than many others that I've seen on here before)! 


I've uploaded photos here before (from the same source) with no trouble, so I just don't understand what it is that I'm doing wrong.


If anyone would like to see these photos, I could really use some assistance...


Thank You,


Marshal Guderian

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Edit - Actually, they may be a little big.

Considering that Oblits are almost guaranteed to go up to centurion size at some point in the future anyway, I wouldn't worry about this.

Likely they would already be without the squatting poses.

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With Forte's very helpful assistance, may I present my "Obliterwulfen" - mutated "Chaos Ogryn" transformed by the Space Wolves' Canis Helix and the Obliterator Virus into "wolf-like" Obliterators for use in my Renegade Space Wolves CSM Army!

The link below will take you to the Photobucket page where I've gathered all the WIP pics together into a full album (photos of EACH of the three "Obliterwulfen" from eight different angles):


Obliterwulfen album

The concept/background that I came up for these converted Obliterators is as follows:

My Work-In-Progress Renegade Khornate Space Wolves/Chaos Space Marine #counts-as Crimson Slaughter# Warband alternatively call themselves Ragnar's Blood Wolves, Hrothgar's Blood Wulfen, or the Dire Wolves of Jountenheim - I haven't settled on a final name for the Warband yet, as it's actually a combination of detachments:

#1# remnants of the long-lost "Wolf Brothers" #this is the "Wulfen" portion of the Warband, including the "Obliterwulfen" and other Wulfen troops#; and
#2# a splinter faction of Skyrar's Dark Wolves #which includes the Warlord, his #traitorous# "Blood Wolf" Guard Terminator bodyguard, "Blood Hunter" #Grey Hunter# troops, and a Helbrute Mayhem Pack Formation #using all three versions of the new Space Wolf Dreadnought kit in appropriately Chaos-corrupted forms#, known as "The Warriors Three"#.

This Warband has found a predominately mountainous, frigid ice world, remarkably similar to their original homeworld of Fenris in many ways #which I've named Jountenheim, by the way#, to use as their base of operations.

This world is actually a long-lost Ogryn colony world, located precariously close to #or perhaps even within# a massive Warp Storm #Eye of Terror, Maelstrom, etc.#. The world's proximity to the mutating and reality-altering effects of the Warp has affected the denizens of the world #the original #and feral, and now, CHAOS!# Ogryn colonists, and to a lesser extent, their new Renegade Space Wolf masters# in varying ways.

One of the most notable mutations common to all humanoids who now reside upon Jountenheim is a drastic alteration in physical appearance #predominately blue-black hair/fur, blue skin, red glowing eyes, "Wulfen-like" claws and fangs, etc.# caused by the corrupting effects of the Immaterium. Both my Renegade Space Wolves and my Chaos Ogryn/Obliterators will feature these "changes" to varying degrees #I got the general idea for the paint scheme I'll use from three sources: Grand Admiral Thrawn #from Star Wars#, Beast #from X-Men#, and the Frost Giants #from the Marvel Comics movie, Thor#.

A Warpsmith of my CSM Warband hit upon the idea of experimenting upon these feral "Chaos Ogryn" and using them to create a new kind of Obliterator to serve the Warband. To do this, he used the Canis Helix #the first and most important part of the Space Wolves' Gene-Seed, which carries within it the "Curse of the Wulfen"# to mutate the feral Chaos Ogryn into an even larger and more bestial, "wolf-like" form. He then infected these "Wulfen" Ogryn with the Obliterator Virus to warp their already twisted forms into an even darker abomination; wolf-headed, wolf-tailed, wolf-furred, ferocious armored monstrosities now infused with the ability to transform portions of their own bodies into all manner of deadly ranged weaponry - OBLITERWULFEN!

I apologize for having to provide such a "roundabout" way for you to see my WIP Photos.

Please let me know what you think #about the WIP models AND about their (still# WIP Background!



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Ok, I've had a look but the URL you have tried to use must be wrong or have changed somehow.


I've managed to fix the link to your album. Nice looking Oblits too :tu:

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@Marshal_Guderian. It can sometimes be an issue with the bbcode and links often leaving out the "http://" part. Taken me a fair while to get used to some basics.
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Those Obliterators look great. I really like your Warband fluff as well. Always good to stick it to those do-gooder wolves. It's honestly a miracle the whole chapter hasn't converted to Khorne yet, their Chapter Master wielding an axe of Khorne and all...also I'm sure those mutations are totally non-chaotic...




Still waiting for the rumored new Oblit/Muti dual kit before I do anything. Not in a hurry and right now they aren't a priority of mine anyway.

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Did have a thought on how to use these models, making 3 Rapier destroyers in the form of miniature Lords of Skulls, just need to find some suitable tracks for the lower half.

have a look at Mantic's Jotunn Cannon, nice and cheap and should be a good size fit I think for the models.



nice looking models, they seem to fit really well with your army idea.

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I managed to get one of my "Obliterwulfen" counts-as Obliterators painted this evening.  Worked out pretty well as a "test" model for my army's intended color scheme, I think...


Please bear in mind, I do not consider myself to be that good of a painter, and I am only going for the so-called "tabletop quality", anyway...not to mention the fact that this is the first figure that I've actually been able (and inspired!) to take the time to really sit down and paint in more than 2 years (sometimes I REALLY HATE being in retail/production management, as there's practically no "me" time available anymore...)!


Here's the result of approximately 3 hours' worth of, admittedly, VERY basic painting...I know the figure needs a lot of touch-ups, washing, shading, highlighting, etc., but I'll get around to that whenever I can...

















Close-up #1 - Left Profie


Close-up #2 - "Those eyes...THOSE EYES..."


Close-up #3 - Right Profile


Close-up #4 - Counts-As Power Fist



I'll be starting a new WIP Renegade Space Wolves CSM Army Blog (The Dire Wolves of Jountenheim) here at the B&C very soon (seeing as I'm actually starting to PAINT my figures now), so keep an eye out for it, if you're interested. On to Obliterwulfens #2 and #3...


So...what do you all think of using Skaven Stormfiends as count-as Obliterators NOW? Good idea, bad idea, or somewhere in the middle?





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