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Chaos Contemptor Dread


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I've found that contempters work best with a mixed role loadout. For full weapon platforms, tanks are a better choice, and youre wasting their high WS and AV13 (invaluable for walkers in combat!). For pure melee walkers, there are better options, with better delivery systems, like maulerfiends, decimators, and blood slaughterers. But for a mix of ranged an melee prowess, the contemptor can be surprisingly crafty, if not exactly a budget unit (landraider costs).


My personal favored loadout is butcher cannon and dedication to khorne. 4 str 8 shots gives it comparable firepower to a rifle dread, and in combat it cracks out a whopping 6-9 powerfist attacks on the charge (rampage and rage). AV13 and 4++/6++ does a decent job of keeping him alive (though he's a bullet magnet, having other targets is a must), and is able to reliably beat up things from anywhere on the field.

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I assume Chaeron's referring to giving the Contemptor a ranged weapon on each arm, so you get a 'mortis' configuration but without the helical targeting array the loyalist actual mortis gets.

Absolutely - it's more that load out that's the important thing. Just love the models!

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Like to use Butcher Cannons for their High fire rate myself.


The problem with the contemptor its his cost, 195pts base and you add the options, you have a walker that costs like a land raider but thats still Av13 at best and 3HP, even thouhg its Atomatic reactor is better then the loyalist counterpart( We get an invul save while loyalists don't).


Now a cheaper but still usefull/cool alternative is the Ferrus Infernum dread with the Siege machine option, its basically turns it into an Ironclad dread.


Do you plan to buy one by FW?, or convert one?


If you want to make a convertion, i can give you some advices.


The one i did by kitbashing;



And the one i'm using right now.


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The problem with the contemptor its his cost, 195pts base and you add the options, you have a walker that costs like a land raider but thats still Av13 at best and 3HP, even thouhg its Atomatic reactor is better then the loyalist counterpart( We get an invul save while loyalists don't).

Incorrect, I'm afraid. Both get an invulnerable save from their reactors, just different ones. Loyalists get 5++ vs shooting and 6++ vs melee, whereas the Traitor one is 4++ vs glancing and 6++ vs penetrating. Is one better? I really don't know. 

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I'd lean towards the 4++ at glancing being a bit better than the 5++ in shooting.

Most of my walkers die from glancing or carnifex/ork nob power klaw charges anyhow, so it's a bit of a toss up leaning towards the chaos save in my opinion.


I hope it's not too off topic, since they're more alike than not, how do people feel about the decimator? Built in deep strike and a constant 5++ changes makes it worth it compared to the contemptor?

on my way home, will have a look at the rules and compare them some more when I reach my apartment.

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The Decimator has the possibility of being REALLY powerful with its "Ressurection" Ability.


Other than that its really just a bigger dreadnought..

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Are we posting conversions? Here's my fella!




I've used the decimator a few times, and found it to be a bit wanting. It costs about the same as a contemptor, and is arguably a snitch better at pure melee (deepstrike, dual claws, MoK), but I feel that its rather outclassed by the soul grinder and blood slaughterer, both of which are better assault walkers at a much cheaper cost.

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