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Baby's first knight


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So, I'm finally caving into the temptation and I want to get a knight.


Initially, I thought of only the knight-errant or paladin, however my friend mentioned that I should check out the forgeworld style knights.


They're each pretty good but the question is - Which should I choose?


Paladin? Errant? Acheron? Megaera? Castigator? Lancer?


What do you technophiles suggest?


What are their strengths and weaknesses?


Edit: I plan on keeping the knight for a long time and having it allying with my various armies.

Edited by SyNidus
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If I was getting a Knight, it would probably be a Styrix. Why? The main armament is a Volkite weapon, that's why. Although, if I had the option to convert it, I'd pop a mega-bolter from the Castigator in place of the Rad-cleanser claw. Saying that, I like the idea of a Castigator striding into battle. That there is a close number two choice. Perhaps if the Volkite could be bolted onto him instead...

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Cheapest and most cost effective is to get the Paladin/Errant and magnetize.


Expensive but fun as hell is the Archeron.


Styx is best overall but 30k only sadly.


Waste of time is the Magaere.


The Lancer and Castigator fill in holes in your army rediculously well, consider them if you want awesome melee or anti horde, respectively.

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Okay so it seems to be a toss up between the Castigator and Paladin/Errant.


I'm wondering, has anyone done any conversion work on the cerastus to make it look less static and a bit beefier? Can the legs and arms be posed? I'm not a fan of it being so lanky and tall. I do prefer the stout build of the paladin/errant.

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The Castigator is highly posable. Almost every joint on the legs is able to be moved and posed as you wish, and the arms have a pretty decent range of motion. I modelled mine so that the sword arm is movable at the shoulder and the "wrist", and it can rotate at the waste as well. The legs were easy to make a bit more dynamic. I made mine launching forward.



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I have a Casti making its way to me, 'cause I can just get the thought out of my head of how awesomely terrifying that weapon would when it goes off. I know a lot of people don't seem to care for the lanky look of the Cerastus Knight pattern, but I like it (and the GW Knight variants look a little too Warmachine for me) and its versatility in posing. If you want to change up the pose on the GW Knights, you're in for a lot of work.

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I think I might go for the casti, most of my armies are festooned with Melta of all varieties. Something that will rip into hordes would be useful. Plus it looks like this is the knight with the best anti-air. There's a daemon player around here who uses squads of Khorne dogs and screamers supported by iron grimoire and psychics. The tempest blade would do quite well against them I think. The only set back is I don't have some good old-fashioned s8 shooting.
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Its a great choice. I have yet to regret the choice to get one. Its a fantastic model and is great on the tabletop, but not so overwhelming that your opponents are crying "broken" and "cheese". My most frequent opponent is a 'nidzilla player, and its a pretty even match. It usually can take out 3 carnifexes and a few other critters before it goes down!


Its one drawback, as people have mentioned is that sometimes having only a single weapon to fire means a lack of options for charging, but thats something that one has to work with...

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