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Stormraven weapons loadout?


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Building my first Stormraven. Its time to do the weapons.  I'm running hurricane bolter sponsons. So with that out of the way I thought the other choices were a no-brainer, multi-melta in the nose, and a lascannon in the servitor turret (and of course the 4 missiles).


But now my mind is wandering ..... hmmmm plasma cannons in the servitor turret, lacks range of the lascannon but hits nearly as hard and has blast. Could take out armored vehicles, enemy air, AND hammer infantry?


Then I started thinking that if I'm running a lascannon or plasma cannon up top then m-a-y-b-e heavy bolters in the nose for more attacks and chewing up infantry and lighter armored vehicles on the ground and it has range and # attacks on the multi-melta.


I thought this was going to be easy but ... I was wrong. Veterans can you help me out? Thanks.



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Lascannon/MM for me for dedicated anti-air duties and back-up anti-tank in case my meltacide squads let me down.


I prefer armour busting weapons on a highly mobile platform as it allows me to get round to side or rear armour. Infantry-killing weapons generally don't worry about the facing so much.

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Lascannon/MM for me for dedicated anti-air duties and back-up anti-tank in case my meltacide squads let me down.


I prefer armour busting weapons on a highly mobile platform as it allows me to get round to side or rear armour. Infantry-killing weapons generally don't worry about the facing so much.


That was my view too, I may need this Stormraven to be an armor-buster first, and then infantry support second. Between the assault cannon and the lascannon. I will come to a decision.

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I run the multi-melta, assault-cannon mix as well and never bother with the hurricanes. Today my SR took out a Wraithknight in 2 turns then a wave-serpent, then eventually unloaded a Furioso and Death Company for assaults before dying... for me that's pretty good hah.


Solid performance!  .... still not to the point where I add the top turret weapons .... still thinking.

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What sort of armies do you come up against? Is what you are fielding right now struggling more with anti infantry or anti air or anti armour?


For myself, I was needing more anti air, so I went with the lascannon. When I got my second stormraven, I wanted more anti infantry so I went assault cannon. Both have worked out exactly as I want.

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The lascannon is pretty lackluster in my opinion. You can run MM/AC/Hurricane Sponsons and still wreck tanks. Everyone seems to forget that Stormstrike missiles are Str 8 AP 1.


I thought they were AP2? That was the big difference between Bloodstrike (AP1) and stormstrike (AP2).

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The lascannon is pretty lackluster in my opinion. You can run MM/AC/Hurricane Sponsons and still wreck tanks. Everyone seems to forget that Stormstrike missiles are Str 8 AP 1.


I thought they were AP2? That was the big difference between Bloodstrike (AP1) and stormstrike (AP2).



They are AP2.

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What sort of armies do you come up against? Is what you are fielding right now struggling more with anti infantry or anti air or anti armour?


For myself, I was needing more anti air, so I went with the lascannon. When I got my second stormraven, I wanted more anti infantry so I went assault cannon. Both have worked out exactly as I want.


I've played two games so far with my Blood Angel force. I fought Eldar and Tau. I will be fighting Tau a decent amount as thats the army my friend has. He is also looking to start a space wolves army in the near future.

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The multiple rending shots from the Autocannon will serve you much better than a single lascannon shot vs. fliers, as well as infantry if you want to use the sponsons.


I don't know what the big deal about the sponsons is, they are just bolters.

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The lascannon is pretty lackluster in my opinion. You can run MM/AC/Hurricane Sponsons and still wreck tanks. Everyone seems to forget that Stormstrike missiles are Str 8 AP 1.


I thought they were AP2? That was the big difference between Bloodstrike (AP1) and stormstrike (AP2).



They are AP2.



     Sorry guys that was actually a type that I did't bother too proofread since the post was so short. The difference between AP1 and AP2 is marginal either way. The Str 8 still makes then reliable at getting the job done on both heavy infantry and light to medium armor as well as lighter-heavy armor.

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The lascannon is pretty lackluster in my opinion. You can run MM/AC/Hurricane Sponsons and still wreck tanks. Everyone seems to forget that Stormstrike missiles are Str 8 AP 1.

I thought they were AP2? That was the big difference between Bloodstrike (AP1) and stormstrike (AP2).

They are AP2.

Sorry guys that was actually a type that I did't bother too proofread since the post was so short. The difference between AP1 and AP2 is marginal either way. The Str 8 still makes then reliable at getting the job done on both heavy infantry and light to medium armor as well as lighter-heavy armor.

I don't think its marginal at all. +2 on the pen chart is huge! That being said, I'll take Assault Cannon over Lascannon every time.

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My preferred option is TLMM, TLAC and if the points allow, hurricane bolters. If I don't take the HB, nine times out of ten I miss them but is usually dependent on what I am facing. As for the primary weapon choices, once the missiles are gone if I have a TLMM and a TLLC then that's just two shots - which is a little sad really.


I don't use the TLPC because weapons with Blast can't target Flyers, I don't use the TLHB because I have that ability elsewhere and I don't use the typhoon missile system because I don't want to pay the points for it.

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