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Stormraven weapons loadout?


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My preferred option is TLMM, TLAC and if the points allow, hurricane bolters. If I don't take the HB, nine times out of ten I miss them but is usually dependent on what I am facing. As for the primary weapon choices, once the missiles are gone if I have a TLMM and a TLLC then that's just two shots - which is a little sad really.


I don't use the TLPC because weapons with Blast can't target Flyers, I don't use the TLHB because I have that ability elsewhere and I don't use the typhoon missile system because I don't want to pay the points for it.

People crap on bolters on tactical marines, yet somehow get all moist over 12 twin-linked bolter shots from a anti-tank/flier gunship. I figure if you are firing a Stormraven at stuff that dies to bolters, you have already won and are just mopping up chaff.

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People crap on bolters on tactical marines, yet somehow get all moist over 12 twin-linked bolter shots from a anti-tank/flier gunship. I figure if you are firing a Stormraven at stuff that dies to bolters, you have already won and are just mopping up chaff.

Imagine if you could only fire the tactical marines' bolters once and then the only thing you could with that unit in the shooting phase was throwing a single grenade.

That's how the 200 pt+ SR feels after you've burnt through those missiles. Slight hyperbole, but whatever tongue.png

The raven will likely show up on turn 2. So that's a potential 3+ turns of highly mobile (<---- key word, tac marines doesn't have a 18"+ move) TL bolter shots that you can use on anything from getting that last wound or glance from a tough target or low AV, to soften up / finish any infantry you need to deal with during the course of the game.

Just a few extra wounds on anything can be immensely helpful.

You could force a LD test.

You could kill a special weapon.

You could circumvent a tanking character.

You could bring down a unit to more manageable size.

You could shoot something that's vulnerable to bolters but difficult to handle in melee.

and so on...

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I will admit that six twin linked bolters are a cheap upgrade when they dont replace any other weapons, but I find that bump over 200 points painful. With an assault cannon on top it can be a useful build though.


Yes, like most upgrades really the question isn't really if it's useful or not, they usually are. It's about what those 30 pts could do somewhere else in your list. 


For some reason with our new 'dex I frequently find myself 40-50 pts short. At that level you can't really add any more units, except the odd transport, so upgrades it is. Compared to something like two extra marines in a squad or two power weapons the HB sponsons are probably slightly more useful. 

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I will admit that six twin linked bolters are a cheap upgrade when they dont replace any other weapons, but I find that bump over 200 points painful. With an assault cannon on top it can be a useful build though.

Yes, like most upgrades really the question isn't really if it's useful or not, they usually are. It's about what those 30 pts could do somewhere else in your list.


For some reason with our new 'dex I frequently find myself 40-50 pts short. At that level you can't really add any more units, except the odd transport, so upgrades it is. Compared to something like two extra marines in a squad or two power weapons the HB sponsons are probably slightly more useful.

You suffer from an issue I would love to have. Im always 40-50 points over so the hurricane bolters always get removed.
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