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Blood Angel Terminators


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I have a number of Terminator Squads that I will be painting up as Blood Angels. I remember back in 2nd Edition that the Blood Angel Terminators Squads had the left  hand (usually the power fist/chain fist/power sword hand) painted black, and each squad had a slight variation. One squad might have just the fingers black, another might have just the back of the hand, and another the entire hand.


I have searched the books I have here, the 2 most recent BA 'dex, How to Paint Space Marines, Codex Angels of Death, Space Hulk 2nd & 3rd editions, and nothing mentioning about the fists, but the terminators squads were not identified as per normal Blood Angels squad identification, but by name.


Does anyone have any info on this that supports my insanity and goes more in-depth? any Links or sources?


Thanks in advance.

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I checked out the Index Astartes II and the third edition dex to help you, and exterminatus which is all about the first company and I found nothing there.  The terminators pretty much all have black fists, but no listed reason.  I know in previous white dwarfs they had shown terminators with different colored helmets, but I have never seen any reason for it.  I personally have terminators with red helmets, and white helmets, and when the weather gets nice I will paint a squad up with black ones.  I could say its to help me keep track of squads, but mostly its just because I tend to get bored with all red.


As for the name thing, squads are almost always identified by the name of the sergeant, they just also have a designator to identify where they fall within the command structure.  So the first squad of the second company has its shoulder designator for the company, the knee pad for its squad number, but when refered to by command would be squad Justinian or whatever the sergeants name is.  Kind of like in real life, in the military.  You have the traditional break down, used for paperwork and what not, but when it comes down to in the field organization you just call out for the sergeant's squad.


But, since this is fiction, identify your terminators in whatever manner you think is most cool.  You could use the normal markings for squads in other companies, or make up your own. 

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Interestingly enough I do remember something vaguely about this. I don't think it actually comes from a previous codex but rather from one of the space hulk iterations.

From what I remember the blood angels first company was all but wipped out because of gene stealers on a space hulk. It screwed the chapter for a while. I believe that the first company, especially the terminators paint the one hand black out of remembrace.

Wish I could be more specific about where I read this, but it would seem to fit. Even if it's not true I kind of like it.

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As for the name thing, squads are almost always identified by the name of the sergeant, they just also have a designator to identify where they fall within the command structure.  So the first squad of the second company has its shoulder designator for the company, the knee pad for its squad number, but when refered to by command would be squad Justinian or whatever the sergeants name is.  Kind of like in real life, in the military.  You have the traditional break down, used for paperwork and what not, but when it comes down to in the field organization you just call out for the sergeant's squad.


The BA are a slight exception. They have ritual names for the first 10 terminator squads in the first company, Vexator, Damnator, Destructor etc. Although they probably also use the sergeant name.


From a quick google:


I. Redemptor

II. Invictor

III. Avengor

IV. Damnator

V. Venator

VI. Vindictor

VII. Destructor

VIII. Vexator

IX. Signator

X. Praetor


I plan to name my squads using the above scheme.

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Xenith, where did you find that?  I like to think I have quite a bit of the BA fluff, been collecting since third and all, and I have never heard of that before.


Hadron, pretty sure that came from the space hulk novella, my book of the blood is loaned out right now or I would check for you.

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