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Forge world heraldry.


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The "Ol' Rogue Trader" had these for robots...

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I think it would be safe to presume different ordos & sects of the redactor, cybernetica, and taghmata would have some individualization.

Maybe some were honored and permitted to use variations of the space marine legions colour schemes they served with.

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The Mechanicum-aligned Knightly Houses (Krast, Raven and Taranis) all share the same basic red/black scheme (with various bits of yellow/white), but the way it's applied and the icons change.


The Titan Legions show more variation.


Mars Red has been used almost exclusively for everything else we've seen.

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HH: Massacre, pg. 47


"The various arms, sects, cults and factions of the Mechanicum commonly display heraldry of a widely varying degree. [...] crimson livery [...] is in fact reserved most often for its [...] priesthood: the Magos, enginseers, logisters, autosavants on so on, and by leser degree their initiantes and close retainers. The bulk of their soldiery, [...] are usually clad in darker hue, often of a livery assoiciated with their Forge World or particular order, but marked always with the heraldic device of their masters."





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Some of us (by which i speak in character as my army not me the player) remember why the priests wore red long before they left the world, when war, Terran raiders and rogue cy-beasts stalked the polluted and irradiated rocky sands of Mars and the priestly robes helped them hide from enemy eyes as they scurried too and fro slowly rebuilding piece by piece the knowledge and power that was lost.

On New Ares, that nearly empty world that so resembles ancient Mars we of House Cydonia remember the practical use for sharing the colour of the sands as we struggle against our own predatory cy-beasts that periodically pour forth from the dormant terraforming vessel our ancestors declined to utilise to it's fullest to keep the sacred simulacrum of ancient Mars intact. Cy-beasts that roam the deserts outside of the safety of the Watchful Eye of the Great Pyramid where the Knights muster, cy-beasts ever hunting for biological and metallic resources to keep the ancient terraforming vessel in good repair... resources all too often made of what was once augmented humans.

For this reason all of the forces and vassals of House Cydonia and neighbouring Forgeworld St Hoagland still bear the Martian red, despite all other decorations and the secondary colours of gold representing the divine enlightenment and the black/yellow Stripes of Hazard making for less effective camouflage on the great engines of war still it is remembered by all who have travelled the deserts alone the value of being shrouded in the colour of the sacred rock and earth and the tradition is kept.

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