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Super heavies and speed


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I don't see anywhere in the rulebook any rule that hinders superheavies' speed as there is one for heavy tanks. So is it correct that a Baneblade can travel more distance in his movement phase than a Leman Russ?


If so it seems somewhat weird to me.



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Best if you can post page references Chef so people can quickly find it for themselves. Note that they're still better than Leman Russ tanks as they don't suffer from firing ordnance weaponry, along with each weapon individually targeting of course :)

I've checked the rules for SH vehicles, page 94, where it says only that SHs can never jink - so that's standard tank movement for them. You must be thinking of SH walkers libris who have their movement noted as 12" unless otherwise specified (page 96) :)

Ill have to look it up but I could have sworn that superheroes move 12".


EDIT: Yep, 12". They move like other vehicles and don't suffer penalties for doing so. No pg # because it's from the e-version but it's in the super heavy section.

Thanks for clearing that up.

I didn't mean that their movement was noted as 12", just that they could move 12". Since they can shoot everything regardless of distance moved than it makes sense that they would essentially ignore combat or cruising speed and just go straight to 0"-12". Sorry if I was unclear.


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