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Replacing Sergeant Lorenzo's Power Sword


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Without going into details that would open a can of worms, I need to replace a badly cracked/bent  sword on my Space Hulk Sergeant Lorenzo.  I was wondering if the sword used on the sculpt was reused as a bit elsewhere.  The replacement ideas I currently have are:


Company Champion Power Sword (Mainly because the size looks similar, but the shape is eh..)



Chaos Warrior Command Sword (Obviously need to de-Chaosify and fill the nicks etc.)



Chaos Forsaken Sword (After de-Chaosification)



Dark Elf Executioner sword (Shape is great but not sure about size at all)



Your suggestion would be which of the above?  Or if none, what would you use?

Mephiston's sword is a fairly close match. You could probably buy a whole new Lorenzo for the price of Mephiston new, but if you keep an eye on eBay, a badly painted example you could strip will probably turn up for a couple of quid sooner or later.

It actually didn't completely break, what happened was that the blade got bent backwards until it sort of cracked at where it meets the hilt.  Hypothetically, I could warm it, bend it back in place and use milliput to cover the crack.  With my luck, I'll end up completely snapping it off.  So erring on the side of caution, I'm looking for a replacement anyway. 


I also realized that the Mephiston Sword is a VERY similar copy, unfortunately that figure is stupidly expensive for being so stupidly old and ugly (20 years old now..).  And I would really feel bad about hacking off bitz from figures that belong on collections and displays anyhow :) So I'm currently leaning towards the Chaos Warrior Command Sword..  Looks pretty much the same size and shape..  I wonder if there's a way I can learn the exact length of the blade on this bit, so I can compare..




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