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The 'totes loyal, honest' Alpha Legion.

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Looking for a bit of additional inspiration for a mad concept idea.


In short, I want to do a 40k era Alpha Legion army where they masquerade as loyalist Marines, preying on the general level of ignorance in the Imperium. It strikes me that in the background much is made of the Astartes being incredibly rare, and pretty much mythical to your Imperial Citizen, and for the most part, even Planetary Governors. The warband specialise in targeting Imperial Worlds more off the beaten path. They show up, and the infiltration begins. Over time they incite the local populace to overthrow their clearly traitorous rulers, in the name of The Emperor....leading them in ever stranger rituals to strengthen their bodies and resolve. Nothing spiky, nothing gribbly. Even happy to keep the standard Alpha Legion markings and colour scheme. After all, who's going to realistically know that they aren't Ultramarines, Dark Angels or Blood Angels - especially when Mr 7' Killing Machine in power armour has been so insistent that's who they are?


Using the CSM Codex, but non-CSM models should get me roughly the right result in terms of looks and play style. Toss up between using Heresy models and the plastic ranges. Seeing as I'm using the CSM rules, I'd think most opponents would prefer the Heresy models, simply for WYSIWYG (no Assault Cannon counting as Reaper Autocannon).


10 man squads of Marines, backed up by (unwittingly and unaware) renegade PDF, represented by appropriately painted Cadians, with the PDF/Cultists lead by Dark Apostles, represented by suitably converted/kit bashed Chaplains. Most of the tanks are likewise easypeasy to represent.


But I'm also interested in fielding some Daemon Engines, because I really like them! Trouble there, is that they look Daemonic - and the concept is of a masquerade after all!


Can anyone familiar with the Daemon Engine kits advise on how I might kit bash or convert them to look less gribbly, but still obviously Forgefiend (thinking WYSIWYG again)? 

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How do?


Looking for a bit of additional inspiration for a mad concept idea.


In short, I want to do a 40k era Alpha Legion army where they masquerade as loyalist Marines, preying on the general level of ignorance in the Imperium. It strikes me that in the background much is made of the Astartes being incredibly rare, and pretty much mythical to your Imperial Citizen, and for the most part, even Planetary Governors. The warband specialise in targeting Imperial Worlds more off the beaten path. They show up, and the infiltration begins. Over time they incite the local populace to overthrow their clearly traitorous rulers, in the name of The Emperor....leading them in ever stranger rituals to strengthen their bodies and resolve. Nothing spiky, nothing gribbly. Even happy to keep the standard Alpha Legion markings and colour scheme. After all, who's going to realistically know that they aren't Ultramarines, Dark Angels or Blood Angels - especially when Mr 7' Killing Machine in power armour has been so insistent that's who they are?


Using the CSM Codex, but non-CSM models should get me roughly the right result in terms of looks and play style. Toss up between using Heresy models and the plastic ranges. Seeing as I'm using the CSM rules, I'd think most opponents would prefer the Heresy models, simply for WYSIWYG (no Assault Cannon counting as Reaper Autocannon).


10 man squads of Marines, backed up by (unwittingly and unaware) renegade PDF, represented by appropriately painted Cadians, with the PDF/Cultists lead by Dark Apostles, represented by suitably converted/kit bashed Chaplains. Most of the tanks are likewise easypeasy to represent.


But I'm also interested in fielding some Daemon Engines, because I really like them! Trouble there, is that they look Daemonic - and the concept is of a masquerade after all!


Can anyone familiar with the Daemon Engine kits advise on how I might kit bash or convert them to look less gribbly, but still obviously Forgefiend (thinking WYSIWYG again)?

Space wolf and blood angel dreadnoughts would look pretty gribbly to your average back water peasant same as any daemon engine. Maybe even include some subtlety corrupted Imperial iconography. Of course it wouldn't hold up to any serious scrutiny, but that's what the Hades autocannons are for.

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Also the forge world Decimator looks kind of Dreadnought like, while sporting butcher cannons which are very similar to hades auto cannons rules wise.


IA13v also gives access to lots of other vehicles similar to the loyalists stuff as well as rapier gun carriers. The renegades & heretics list in IA13 makes for great 'Imperial Guard' allies.

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There have been a few good Alpha-legion in disguise armies posted here over the years... If anyone is good enough at finding things? A lot of them aren't painted as Alpha Legion (which I know you said you were happy to do), but as other chapters (such as Ultramarines) with small details that are wrong, and other details that obviously hint to them being Alpha legion. The guy who did a nice 'Ultramarine' army had some pale scales, and other things like that, painted on bits of the armor.

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I would imagine that, and a hobby knife, would be your best bet. Alternatively, a combination of the two and some plasticard to give you that 'blank slate' to work from.


FW brass etch always looks good - sounds like a nifty little project.

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This concept reminds me of an hilarious game of rogue trader involving an all Ork team which styled themselves as "Deff Watch" since "Dem humie gits tell beakies where da best fights are!" and was easily justified. 


Let me give you a description: A hulking armored monster that travels the galaxy killing hundreds of enemies, is near impossible to kill and can keep fighting even when limbs are cut or blown off. That description could easily apply to a Chaos Marine or an Ork, so I look forward to your take on this idea.

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I'm working on a similar army and have similar concerns about excessive pokey bits. I just bought a SM attack force and will sell off the snipers and maybe the dreadnought. Not sure how I'm going to handle the big seige engines. I may end up doing just small bits of corruption on my basic troops just to help blend in to the big models.


My other thought is just to paint them as two allied armies but just use one FOC in game.


I'll look forward to your progress and solutions. Will likely start up a WIP thread with my own soon.

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