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Formations and Dedicated Transports


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1) a formation lists all unit it's composed by

2) for each unit you can purchase options

3) dedicated transport is an option

4) dedicated transport is also a unit



1) dedicated transport can be purchased as unit options?

2) If (1) is true, dedicated transport unit purchased in a formation benefits from the formation rules that apply to units of the formation?


There is a formation with this statement:

"When making Reserve Rolls, make a single roll for the entire Formation, which you can choose to the reroll. On a success Reserves Roll, all of the units in the Formation arrive from Reserve".


3) If (2) is true, and I take a single Drop Pod dedicated transport, how can I deploy it?

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I've seen a couple formations where dedicated transports are not included in the contents section but are mandated in the restrictions section to all units that can take them. So I would assume that they are allowed (as otherwise the restriction would be meaningless). That being said, what is the precise wording of drop pod assault? Potentially it might even allow the whole formation to come in as one on turn one, or it may disallow that drop pod from being (amongst) your first turn pod(s)

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I've seen a couple formations where dedicated transports are not included in the contents section but are mandated in the restrictions section to all units that can take them. So I would assume that they are allowed (as otherwise the restriction would be meaningless). That being said, what is the precise wording of drop pod assault? Potentially it might even allow the whole formation to come in as one on turn one, or it may disallow that drop pod from being (amongst) your first turn pod(s)


I think wording is like this

"Drop pods and units embarked upon them must be held in reserve and must enter play using the deep strike rules. At the beginning of your first turn, choose half of your drop pods (rounding up) to make a drop pod assault. Units making a drop pod assault arrive on the controlling players first turn. The remaining drop pods are rolled for as normal."


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In that case, the drop pod would not be rolling if it came in first turn, and you don't need to worry about it (just treat it as any other drop pod that is part of your drop pod assault). If it did not come in first turn, it would roll with the formation as normal.

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In that case, the drop pod would not be rolling if it came in first turn, and you don't need to worry about it (just treat it as any other drop pod that is part of your drop pod assault). If it did not come in first turn, it would roll with the formation as normal.

If Drop Pod arrives at first turn and other units from second, does not it broke formation rule saying: "On a success Reserves Roll, all of the units in the Formation arrive from Reserve"?


Remember that Pod is part of the formation itself.

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In that case, the drop pod would not be rolling if it came in first turn, and you don't need to worry about it (just treat it as any other drop pod that is part of your drop pod assault). If it did not come in first turn, it would roll with the formation as normal.

If Drop Pod arrives at first turn and other units from second, does not it broke formation rule saying: "On a success Reserves Roll, all of the units in the Formation arrive from Reserve"?


Remember that Pod is part of the formation itself.


I would say no, because they already came in from reserves and thus is not available to arrive again from reserves.

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