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Noise Marine Feedback


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Hope it's ok to post this here.

Wanted to get some feedback on my Noise Marine sample, to guage whether it looks "Slaaneshi" enough whilst still retaining my army's Crimson Slaughter colour scheme, or if I need a greater area coloured in pinks, purples and pastels, before I started on the rest of the squad.

Noise Marine 1

Noise Marine 2


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I think it looks good for still wanting to retain the CS color scheme.  If anything maybe a few more highlights on the pink to make it pop a bit more, and a highlight or 2 on the purple as well.

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Looking in your WIP thread, he is a good fit for your possessed, your marine squads are more shiny somehow? Might be camera shenanigans though. :)

I think you've done a nice job fitting him in your army while retaining a different look with the pink tones and such. The blaster also looks really good.

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My tactical marines were an experiment, I coated them all in Blood for the Blood God over Mephisto Red to try and get a more pronouced colour. Too glossy for main stream in my army, but suits a bunch of Marines using captured armour.
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