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What is more dangerous for terminators?


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Greetings. I call on you, my enlightened brethren, for your experience using terminators. More specifically what do you see your terminators falling to. buckets of small arms fire, high strength moderate ap, or melta/plasma? I tend to roll with MoT terminators as my local meta loves their plasma. Experience and theorycrafting welcome!

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Like my cavalry in Warhammer - whatever is the weediest, most embarassing unit!


Oh, and do be wary of massed template damage. I've done horrible, horrible things to Terminators using Tomb Blades with the particle gun thingy. I may not ignore your armour, but when I position six templates and cause 20 odd wounds across 5 Termies, the damage I can do is shocking!

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Really? Volkite weapons are still AP 5 and have pretty limited range. So they won't inflict that many wounds, that can be used to generate more wounds.

you know how much night fighting infiltrating volkite a NL terror list can take? A minimum of 30 volkites. 2 shots each. 60 shots at those lovely termies. Not including the rest of the list. How about a heavy support with culverins? Thats another 40 shots right there. Tell me how many termies you will see get up after taking up to a potential 100 shots? :devil:

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Really? Volkite weapons are still AP 5 and have pretty limited range. So they won't inflict that many wounds, that can be used to generate more wounds.

you know how much night fighting infiltrating volkite a NL terror list can take? A minimum of 30 volkites. 2 shots each. 60 shots at those lovely termies. Not including the rest of the list. How about a heavy support with culverins? Thats another 40 shots right there. Tell me how many termies you will see get up after taking up to a potential 100 shots? devil.gif

Depends on the size of the squad... but statistically... few...

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Seems like my normal use of Termicide is the best option. I love the image a chaos terminator hulking towards the enemy but it seems like their best uses are for deep striking combi fun. Anyone else wish we could get special weapons in a 3 man squad like the good ole days?

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Really? Volkite weapons are still AP 5 and have pretty limited range. So they won't inflict that many wounds, that can be used to generate more wounds.

you know how much night fighting infiltrating volkite a NL terror list can take? A minimum of 30 volkites. 2 shots each. 60 shots at those lovely termies. Not including the rest of the list. How about a heavy support with culverins? Thats another 40 shots right there. Tell me how many termies you will see get up after taking up to a potential 100 shots? devil.gif

All of them when they're riding in Land Raiders/Spartans? tongue.png

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Really? Volkite weapons are still AP 5 and have pretty limited range. So they won't inflict that many wounds, that can be used to generate more wounds.


you know how much night fighting infiltrating volkite a NL terror list can take? A minimum of 30 volkites. 2 shots each. 60 shots at those lovely termies. Not including the rest of the list. How about a heavy support with culverins? Thats another 40 shots right there. Tell me how many termies you will see get up after taking up to a potential 100 shots? :devil:

All of them when they're riding in Land Raiders/Spartans? :P

That my dear sir, is what the second elements in the army are for. The tin openers, str 8 weaponry, typhons/cerberus etc. 1000 points on volkite, 1000 points of everything else :p but its just an example of weight of firepower essentially, this stuff can be brought to the table and vicious/directed players may bring all to bear on one unit. I have a new found respect for horde players.

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Truth be told, the most insignificant units have the habit to kill my terminators by the dozen. Cultists, Gretchin, Guard squads, Scouts... you name it. 


In my experience the major damage to a terminator squad is not the quality of fire (VP2) but the quantity of fire, or attacks in general. When you have to roll a lot of armor saves, even on a 2+, the terminators die quickly, very quickly. So far what I hate most for my terminators is to either face plasma spam (but in truth that plasma fire is better spent killing marines and mauling vehicles) or massed templates/low quality shots or attacks. 


From head,... an Imperial Guard Platoon, Tau Fire Warriors, Cultists with Autoguns, Scions, Wyverns, Dakka-Angels, you name it. Anything that can unload 20+ shots/attacks on your terminators. 

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Finding a way to reroll seems to be one of the best ways to increase survivability (like for every unit). Has anyone had success with Icon of Excess on termies? It just seems far to easy to remove/expensive for a small elite squad.

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