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Deep striking from Stormravens


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Arkangilos - now why would you think that, quinxus has shown me the error in reading the rule, there is no unit in the codex named stormraven. =)


If you look in The bok, they only use that name once, namely in The SoF rule. Everywhere else they use stormraven gunship,


This is the best thing ever! No unit named Stormraven!

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An alternative reading of the rule (as gathered from reading the discussions so far) is that Skies of Fury cannot be used on anything.


If you have to interpret deep strike as coming from Reserves then they CANNOT be also Embarked in the transport.

Thus if you wish to leave the transport you must disembark and follow all the rules that cover Disembarkation.

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Skies of fury is a type of disembarkation: ',,,passengers can still disembark, but they must do so as follows:..'. My italics.


Can anyone summarise the points for and against whatever is being argued and agree to disagree or whatever. If the issue at hand is still SoF and Augur Triangulation, whatever is decided on here it is always best to check ahead with your oppo and what they think about it. Bear in mind that the locator beacons have to have been on the board at the start of the turn i.e. in play.

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As far as I can read and tell from this and other forums. The following seems generally accepted both by RAI and RAW and there is VERY little evidence or rules-precedence that disallows any of the following:

 - The teleport homers carried by the tactical sergeants DO NOT have to be disembarked from the ravens in order to use 'Augur Triangulation'

 - The teleport homers allow both teleporters, drop pods and jump troops to use 'augur triangulation'

 - Drop pods may enter, land without scatter if they are within 12'' of two of the ravens, and the contents can charge (Drop pods are open topped)


The following is the only real issue where there appears to be disagreement although there are only a few people believing option A is a the correct one:


Augur Triangulation specifies that ONLY units entering the table from Deepstrike Reserves may take advantage of the 'no scatter + charging'


Option A


The tacticals inside the stormravens, can, using Skies of Fury, disembark from the storm ravens and take advantage of 'Augur Triangulation'


 - The reasoning behind this appears to be the belief that Deepstriking is always equal to Deepstrike Reserves. i.e In order for something to deepstrike, it MUST, by definition, be in reserves (as per rulebook wording). The interpretation of this is that a unit that is already on the table and is going to deepstrike follows the following process:

They will gain the rule 'deepstrike', be entered into reserves, automatically pass a reserve roll, and enter the game as if they have come from Deepstrike Reserves.


The evidence that this is the correct interpretation comes from the rulebook stating that 'in order for a unit to be able to Deep Strike, all models in the unit must have the Deep Strike special rule and the unit must start the game in Reserve' Pg 162 BRB


Basically the tacticals are allowed to deepstrike because of Skies of Fury and thus MUST follow the rules in specified in the BRB thereby gaining deepstrike, and coming from reserves.


Option B


The tacticals cannot use 'Augur Triagulation' because they are NOT coming in from Deepstrike Reserves. They are simply disembarking from the Storm raven using Deep Strike deployment rules (place 1 model, roll scatter, then place the rest of the unit)


The evidence that this is the correct interpretation is:

 - The unit is NOT in deepstrike reserves as required by 'Augur Triangulation'. The tacticals are inside the ravens and ON the table, therefore cannot be considered to be in reserves. The act of disembarking from the Storm Raven using Skies of Fury does NOT make the unit gain the deepstrike special and does NOT make them enter Deepstrike Reserves and does NOT make them automatically pass a reserve roll. They simply deploy 'as if deepstriking'


There are other things that indicate Option B is a correct interpretation:

For example: Heroic intervention (deepstrike, then be able to charge) in 6th edition could NOT be used by Vanguards disembarking from a Storm Raven. This was FAQ'ed by GW on the basis that for a Vanguard to use Heroic interventon they had to be deepstriking from reserve. This sets a sort of precedent that disembarking from a Storm Raven does not consitute a deepstrike from reserves.



Either way, The two interpretations have been discussed ad nauseum. Discuss it with the people you play against and roll a d6 if you cannot decide.

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