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Lets Talk Flyers (Again)


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Hey all. I have been working on a Blood Angels army since discovering in 6th that shooty is fun, RIP AND TEAR (for the Emperor and Angel of course) is soo much more fun. I am finally getting close to finiahing my force and now the question is which flyer to use? I have a stormraven and I want a second flyer. Question is whether a

A) Another Stormraven

B) Storm Eagle

C) Fire Raptor

D) Crazy Assualt Boat thing

I am leaning Storm Eagle but unless the cost has changed from the old Forge World pdf (60 points for lascannons!?) Its a little too much in points. Any advise is greatly appreciated

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Thunderhawk msn-wink.gif

More seriously though for the price of a storm eagle or fire raptor you can get almost two stormravens. The FW models look a lot cooler than the flying bricks though.

By official rules the Storm Eagle is not available to Blood Angels, but several forum members have posted emails from FW saying that they will release an erratum giving the storm eagles to BA as well. So you might want to take that into account when making a decision.

Personally I don't think the Caestus Assault Ram's aesthetic fits with BA, but that does not make it a bad unit.

caestus is sexy but it is far from cheap in terms of points, tends to make an impact though, plus you can put 10 sanguinary guard in it!

Does the Caestus have a rule allowing jump infantry to be transported?
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yeah both terminators and jump infantry count as one model so 10 infantry, 10 jump infantry, or 10 termies, or a mix, its all good.

It would be quite fun to stick 10 dc, or 9 and astorath. imagine assaulting out with your hammer of wraths and stupid number of attacks all getting rerolls.


EDit: checking the sources it looks like termies count as one but can't find the bit allowing jump inantry so i may be mistaken on that part :(

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I want... everything...

no really I like the anti tank plus transport of the stormraven and storm eagle. I like the fire raptors fire power but the inability to pen both AV 14 and 13 worries me. On the model side I definitely like the storm eagle/ fire raptor body

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In my eyes the Caestus was made for BA - it is a crime they didn't make a plastic one (or even a slightly smaller variant!) and have it as our new exclusive flyer for this 'dex msn-wink.gif

But either way I want one, and will be getting one as soon as I can along with a Sicaran!

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In my eyes the Caestus was made for BA - it is a crime they didn't make a plastic one (or even a slightly smaller variant!) and have it as our new exclusive flyer for this 'dex ;)


But either way I want one, and will be getting one as soon as I can along with a Sicaran!

had some great fun with dc with reclusiarch jumping out of the bugger, good night carnifexes!
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Maybe it's just me and someone with more experience with using flyer transports can explain to me better but I feel hesitant to use flyer as transport. It needs to hover to drop it's cargo but then everything can fire at it. Also if I put a homing beacon in a storm raven and I have my cargo skies of fury put of it does that mean that they don't scatter? I heard someone talk about it.
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I'm afraid not on the no scatter. Although they are placed as if deepstriking they are not "arriving from deep strike reserve" so don't benefit from the becon.


As for giving transports they usually come at a time whentheres enough threats on the table or enough stuff dead to not suffer too badly when hovering. Also the unit being delivered is likly to benifit enough from being able to charge that it balances out.

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I'm afraid not on the no scatter. Although they are placed as if deepstriking they are not "arriving from deep strike reserve" so don't benefit from the becon.

I disagree.

Nominate any point over which the Grey Knights Stormraven moved that turn and deploy the squad as if it were Deep Striking onto that point.

So while they are not truly arriving from the deep strike reserve they are treated as if they did, because that is how deep strike works.


As for giving transports they usually come at a time whentheres enough threats on the table or enough stuff dead to not suffer too badly when hovering. Also the unit being delivered is likly to benifit enough from being able to charge that it balances out.

Unfortunately that only works with normal disembarkation.
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Maybe it's just me and someone with more experience with using flyer transports can explain to me better but I feel hesitant to use flyer as transport. It needs to hover to drop it's cargo but then everything can fire at it.


It depends on the cargo. I am planning to run my Raven with a CCW Scout squad and Cassor (DC Dread). Both these units have "Move Through Cover" so will automatically pass their Dangerous Terrain tests. Whilst dropping into hover mode is clearly better for them to get out and charge straight away, the option to use "Skies of Fury" without risk is a useful fun if the Raven needs to keep zooming in order to deal with enemy flyers or FMCs.
5 Scouts with a melta bomb serg, Cassor and a Raven come to exactly 400 points. That covers my Troop tax, transportation for the troops, anti-air and a 2nd wave of assault units for a fairly tidy 400-point package.
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