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Water decals or Free hand!


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So I usually paint little yellow blood drops on my basic troops (tacticals, assault marines etc) left shoulder pad, but I just noticed that there are like 8 decals on every transfer sheet I have ever received in a box..... Meaning I have like 3 million of the things!


Anyone have a good guide on using decals or can post a link to one ? Something good with how to do it properly is required! I dont want to take short cuts!


Or should I just go back to my dodgey freehand?

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Nothing to hand, but there should be something of use over in the Forge forums. I know I read something recently about the struggles of putting them on the shoulder pads due to the curve but I can't find it now.


As for me, I haven't used them in a long time but only because I've not gotten my army to that point yet and yes, I have a gazillion of them too.

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Decals can give you nice results, but you absolutely need some Decal Softener medium to make it look decent. Else, everyone will instantly see it's a decal and it will just look silly. This is a good tutorial smile.png I started putting the ASM decals (the four arrows) and tactical decals on the shoulder pads of my rank and file marines and it looks good - also, it saves a huge amount of time ^^ You might also want to give it a coat of matte varnish when it's set if it still stands out, that should definitely make it blend in.


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Ardcoat on the shoulder pad before you apply the decal. Apparently something in it helps break down the clear decal paper, and it provides a smooth surface. Apply decal, then hit with a coat of lahmian medium. That should pretty much kill any shine or silvering of the edges.

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Here's a few YouTube videos that may help:


"How to Add a Water Decal to a Model" by EonsOfBattle

"Decals" by Gerrcinn

"How to Add Decals to Space Marine Shoulder Pads" by EonsOfBattle


This last video, in particular, has a nice tip to help 'wrap' the decal round a pauldron. Hope


this helps.


Edit: Couldn't figure out how to embed YouTube videos. Reformatted as named urls.

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I use the decals provided with the box and freehand only squad markings and various decorative stuff, wings blood drops etc.

Once I get home, i'ii show you what I use to apply them properly as well as some pics with the results.

So hold tight. :)

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I use these products for the decals.


1. Microset to prepare the surface for the decal.

2. Then apply the transfer, remove excess water with a q-tip

3. Apply Microsol giving extra care to the edges of the transfer to help it melt in place.

4. Once dry I use Ardcoat gloss varnish to seal it in place.

5. Finally Microsatin to remove the gloss.


The end result is this:


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