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Khorne-ify cadians


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So im working on some imperial guard as an allied force, to give me some objective holders and back field support to cover my berzerkers as they rush forward.


I also have some dark angels which I would like to be able to ally with them so I dont want them looking to "chaosy"


Essentially im asking how much (or little) should I convert them that would still let me use them as allies for both main armies?


I imagine them as a planetary defense force that may be corrupted by chaos cult worship but hasnt come out as full blown heretics just yet. So maybe add in a few skulls on chains as trophies (I have lots of WFB zombie bits) and make sure there are bloodied knives and close combat weapons scattered throughout the squads. Maybe use berzerker chain swords and pistols on some characters.


When used with the dark angels they would just look like a particularly agressive army from a violent death world or some such.


Would this work?


Also, colour scheme wise, I was thinking of mixing dark greens and reds. Maybe black or dark green with red and possibly gold trims on commanders? This might fit in with both. Or should I just go for something different altogether from both.


As always your thoughts are much appreciated

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If you want them to look like they're cultists in hiding, no Khorne symbols, no obviously blood trails, and possibly a lack of Imperial symbols. That way they can float from one army to the next without being too obvious.
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You could go with a barbarian look on them, though without chaos symbols.

With your 'zerkers, they could represent some sort of tech-barbarian tribe they recruit from.

With your DAs, they could easily be a feral planet's PDF.

Lazy version is: Red and black livery.

Because they worship Khorne, and when loyal, because that's their planetary colour scheme.

Good choice with both armies, by the way.

I play World Eaters and Dark Angels too tongue.png

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Maybe you could paint them in the classic light grey/dark grey IG scheme? Then if you able, make a few models - such as Sgts or standard bearers - with magnetised heads and/or weapons.


So in loyalist form a Sgt could have a normal head and chainsword, but with a head swap with a chaos cultist and a blood covered axe, hey presto, Khornate renegades!


Same with a banner bearer, magnetised regimental banner swaps with icon of Khorne.

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Well, I'm about to embark on a similar project, have a box each of Cadians, Mauraders and Tempestus Scions, plus my bits box with a few options from Anvil Industries thrown in (mostly magazines and guns to make lasguns into autoguns). Aim is to arrive at a professional looking Khornate R&H platoon

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Why is that titan shooting out a hand


I say go with that retro tiger-tripe camo pattern, just play around with the colours if need be. Sticking to grey and black "urban" camo would keep them neutral enough to fit well with the colours of both your armies, and you can work in red and brass with the smaller details so they appear across the unit.


Marauders are a great source for Khornate kitbashes and feral guard/pdf in general (take a look at some of Krautscientist's traitor guard for Full Khorne examples) - there are some unkempt heads, small fur pelts, bare arms and melee weapons in that kit that might be useful to you. Consider ditching the Cadian heads - they're very iconic with their dour, stoic expressions and bulky chin-strapped hemets. Plenty of companies make replacement guardsman heads that might be more suitable for you.


Also, consider what you're going to do with the imperial iconography on the Cadian miniatures; there are eagle wings of some kind or another on the chest plates and the lasguns. Speaking of lasguns, make sure you get in as many bayonets as possible... some non-standard-issue blades would add to a feral image if that's the direction you want to go in. CSM knives (which you should have a lot of) could work.

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You should check out Dave Talyer Blood Pack Guard army, if your looking for some idea to convert the models.  Look into the Empire flagellants kit




You should be fine having the models theme around a deathworld to use with the Khorne & Dark Angel armies.

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