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Tzeentch/Thousand Sons colors


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Hey all;


just thinking of starting a chaos marines/daemons list with Tzeentch being primary theme. Thousand sons being kinda a key part of it (Love the fluff and currently reading the novel).


My question that brings me here is; I have noticed so many different colors for the thousand sons, ranging from teal to dark blue. What do you guys recommend as the primary color for a tzeentch/Thousand sons army? More importantly I'm talking about the actual GW named colors.


What color i was kind of thinking is the dark indigo of a blue Morpho butterfly but don't know what color would represent that color.


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I wanted to go something a little lighter- kind of how they describe the warp "great ocean" in the novel 'Thousand Sons'.


Saw a video on youtube that was Sotek Green- is that a good color?

-I ask because i play space wolves and the chart shows a light grey with some hint of blue, but in actuality its light blue with a hint of gray


So really stuck between Sotek and Kantor Blue

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I favor my TS darker. Makes the yellow stripes on the headcrest pop more. 


Sotek Green could work. Could imagine a base of Inccubi Darkness, then a layer with thinned down Stegadon Green, then highlights with Sotek Green. Maybe a wash with Drakenhof Nightshade or Coelia Greenshade. But then its more than blue. If you go Sotek Green, try silver instead of gold for the trims. Should work nicely together.

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