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BA tactics vs. Dark Eldar


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I've been playing my friends Dark Eldar force frequently for a few weeks. He has been beating me pretty badly. He has 7ish venoms/raiders/pirate ship thingies. he has 2-4 blasters/Dark lances among the passengers and just jinks all my shooting while destroying everything with the passengers fire. That 3+ jink is strong. I can kill the vehicles in melee but it is difficult to catch them. The basic small arms fire from his warriors does nearly nothing but those lances wreck my armor and deny fnp on infantry. I have flamers and fragnoughts but they are kinda unreliable with the d6 it seems.


Any advice for how to take on DE vehicle spam?

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As a DE player, I can give you a few tips. Killing fast skimmers with melee isn't the best option. I know that pretty much every unit In the codex has a decent chance of cracking a venom due to frag grenades and multiple Str4 hits, but ranged attacks are where it's at. Yeah, he'll jink, but you deny him his accurate lance shots, which is useful. Pretty much every gun you bring can damage raiders and venoms, though ravagers have av11 so ignore bolter fire. Rifleman dreadnoughts bring lots of str7, melta attack bikes are nearly overkill, but are more likely to explosde vehicles which is a death sentence for its occupants. Missile Devastators are a good shout. Heavy bolter squads also work surprisingly well at anti tank, and make a nasty mess of warriors. Their rate of fire helps to mitigate the jink save. Their high strength also helps hurt grotesques.


Keep using the flamers to kill the passengers. Consider 5 man assault squad in a pod with flamer and hand flamers/ combi flamers to toast scary units. Heavy flamers on tacs also work well. You can also try a divination librarian and hope for perfect timing? to ignore covers saves.


Hope this helps.



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I actually had to think a while since I haven't lost a game to DE in a very long time... what does your list usually look like? 


More templates, more fragiosos (I usually run 3). They will clear out those raiders and venoms, with an excellent chance of taking HPs from the vehicles. Concentrate on completely wiping units and try to dominate a flank with your alpha strike so that target priority and maneuverability becomes an issue for him. 


Besides that really concentrate on de-meching him at first. The relatively fragile transports and gunboats are mobility, a major source of anti AV and protection for the very fragile troops. All in one open topped AV 10-11 package... :D 

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Last game I ran a mostly armor force. librarian dread, 2 baals, vindicator, land raider with hammer termies (probably not a good choice), fragnought, and sniper scouts and A Tac squad with heavy flamer and melta/combo melta. The librarian fragnought and tacs came in on drop pods. I had some poor rolling lIke the 3rd drop pod not coming in til turn 4 and I'm sure I made poor tactical decisions but it was pretty bad. Baals with cover and front armor showing dying to three dark Lance shots etc.
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1500 yes. I forgot to say I've tried lascannon devestators and a melta pod as well, both doing poorly. I don't like to list tailor vs my friends as I think that's kinda lame so I usually try to make an all comers list of sorts, probably a sub par one apparently haha. We also usually don't use fliers unless agreed apon by both players.
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I didn't think the jink affected passengers unfortunately. I would throw some flamer pods at him, you can do the quad flamers like melta pods. Find where his lances are and drop 4 templates each causing d6 hits, you have a good chance of killing the contents of the transport.
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