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Chaos Deathstorm Conversions

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A few weeks ago I got a Deathstorm box in a give away and finally finished up my conversion work on the Blood Angels to induct them into my Chaos Marine army. There's still need for GS and maybe a few more bits here or there, but they are largely done. My next plan is to see what I can do with the Tyranids from the box. I was thinking Spawn and maybe a DP. Does anyone else have any examples? I don't have any experience with putting together Tyranid models



My Khorne Lord/ Zhufor the Impaler conversion:

Khorne Lord / Zhufor the Impaler

Khorne Lord / Zhufor the Impaler


Converted Contemptor Dreadnought:

Contemptor Dreadnought Conversion

Contemptor Dreadnought Conversion


"Possessed" Terminator Squad:

"Possessed" Terminators

"Possessed" Terminators with Heavy Flamer

Sorry, couldn't get the camera to focus.

"Possessed" Terminators with Combi-Plasma

"Possessed" Terminator Champion


Raptor Squad:

Raptor Squad


Raptors with Melta Pistols (Meltaguns)

Raptor Champion


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