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Vs. Necrons 1000 pnts.


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Keep your tanks away from any weapon with the name Gauss built right in. It has a 1/6 chance of glancing so even their basic units can just blast their way through even a Leman Russ squadron. Also, they have impressive flyers and all across Ld10. Don't expect them to run and having some AA is almost a must. Finally, eliminating a whole unit means that they don't get to roll to get back up where as leaving even a single guy means they roll for everybody you killed. Let none survive.

I'm assuming this isn't the new ones? As libris said they can deal with armour very well and their flyers are a pain. Concentration of fire is the order of the day, just as the tactica says! Destroy your target then move on to the next, show them what a real relentless machine can do ;)


You can splat their normal guys fairly easily though without needing to break out the biggest of guns. A couple of Wyverns can put some good wounds on a unit to soften them up for another to finish off. Perhaps a Hellhound or Eradicator can help? Then you can focus the rest of your force into taking down their other units :)

I rolled with:


2 Squads with Lascannon teams

1 Vet Squad in a Chimera with heavy flamer and 2 multimeltas

Pask in an Executioner w lascannon and multimelta sponsons

2 LR Battletanks with lascannons


I killed 1 squad of warriors and 1 squad of scarabs and lost my entire unit.

The Executioner is a good move. That tank will take out whole squads in one go. Do you have one of the battle tanks accompanying Pask? Is so, that is fine. Don't have both, that is just asking for them to get gaussed to death together. Make at least one heavy support.


Use your infantry squads (and PCS) to bubble wrap the tanks. At least you can stop him from getting rapid fire on your armor while they do most of the heavy lifting. The lascannons can also begin tagging things like command barges and annihilation barges. 


Your Chimera should deploy away from the rest of the army in order to get him to divide his forces, giving you either free reign with the vets or another turn of blasting with your tanks...and I just realized that you already played and you lost.


My condolences. IG has an uphill battle against them, however it can be won. Take that from a player that first faced them consistently while playing Armored Company (that was a long time ago) and still pulled it off.


What'd he take?

against necrons, wyverns are your friend! i've had 4 wyverns eat up more than 800 pts of necrons in one particular game! (my dice rolls were pretty amzing in that game though, and he put his models way too close to eachother. i don' treally know what's in the new necron codex but learn to kill scarab swarms head on, as these can totally ruin your tanks. and even though necrons are a very good AT army, i've won a lot of battles against them by using my tanks

He fielded 2 warrior squads, 2 scarab squads, I Lord with Resurrection Orb with 5 Lychguard and Doomscythe. I just couldn't seem to counter his resurrection and the Deathray on the Doomscythe was unstoppable. I know I should have taken out the scarabs first and that caused me to not be able to deploy my Vets the way I wanted.


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