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Suggestions for dreadnought pose?

Ovidius Incertus

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Fellow sons of Sanguinius, I need some suggestions.

I'm cooking up a librarian dread for my 31k Flesh Tearers and need some suggestions for both posing and basing. I've got an idea for a force halberd and some other ornamentations, but I'm spinning my wheels with pose. I want to, and am willing to, cut into the legs to articulate them and repose them for something more interesting than the awkward splay-legged metal bawks.

Don't really have any thoughts on the pose, but I'm thinking something that is both badcensored.gif and noble at the same time. How can I chop the legs to get something more dynamic, but not running? Basing terrain is open to suggestion, but I was thinking rubble to give the model something to interact with.


For reference, here is a venerable fragioso I've made, but not painted. He still holds onto the nobility of his time as a Blood Angel, but is becoming ever more savage like his Flesh Tearer brothers:


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Followed the link, Xenith's is a pretty good alternative. I'd say one foot on a rock always gets sort of nobl-ish. 


I've done the same on one of my BT dreads, works well. Surely i'm against running dreads, short legs, always end up looking clumsy if you ask me. But you've already ruled out running, so i'm just babbling now. 

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