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Painting Imperial Fists: Demonic Yellow Spray (Army Builder)


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Hey mates. Have gotten started working on my SOT Imperial Fist SM's at the moment and so far have about 3x Tac Squads, Sgt. Garadon, and 3x Drop Pods at the moment.And while I am at it, I have things set up for my first trial run at testing the Army Builder Demonic Yellow Primer on a few "Test Models". When it comes to this Yellow Spray, would it be better to do an undercoat of White Primer first or could I just prime it Yellow and not worry about the rest?


all of the army painter sprays are primers; you wont have to undercoat before spraying.


i've used that one before, so be warned it's a very bright yellow.  closest citadel paint is Yriel Yellow.  but that's a tad darker than the spray paint.

all of the army painter sprays are primers; you wont have to undercoat before spraying.


i've used that one before, so be warned it's a very bright yellow.  closest citadel paint is Yriel Yellow.  but that's a tad darker than the spray paint.

Its Darker than Flash Gitz? Or Brighter?


all of the army painter sprays are primers; you wont have to undercoat before spraying.


i've used that one before, so be warned it's a very bright yellow.  closest citadel paint is Yriel Yellow.  but that's a tad darker than the spray paint.

Its Darker than Flash Gitz? Or Brighter?



Its a very bright yellow. Just tested it on a test model and it came out very bright. Not bad, but I am looking for a bit darker then that, so I plan to prime it grey in order to make it darker then it originally looks, as I am not a huge fan of the super bright yellow-look.

I love the Army Painter Daemonic yellow. But I don't use the spray, I use the War Paint version of the color (it's an exact match of the color in the can though). I find the colored primer comes on very thick. So I spray a light coat of Tamiyia White Surface Primer and then hand brush two very thin layers of the War Paint Daemonic Yellow. For shading I brush on Army Painter Quickshade Soft Tone



The Brightest yellow I can think of is Flash Gitz Yellow. You can then Glaze it with Lamenters Yellow to really bring out the pigment.


Or you could go white Primer/Base and just slap on several layers of Lamenters Yellow.


image2 (2)


This is only with 2 Coats of Lamenters Yellow, mind you. Picked out the details in Seraphim Sepia before slapping on the Lamenters.

Looks pretty good, however I am looking for more of a Golden-Yellow Color then the brighter yellow, as I have always been a fan of that scheme for Imperial Fists. Anyone know how I could accomplish that?

were you thinking something more like this?


Phalanx Warder: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/user/63665-phalanx-warder/

Has gotten a pretty nice recipe based off the Forge World Imperial Fists Scheme; I think its more along the lines of what you're looking for. Shoot him a PM if anything.


http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/292010-imperial-fists-painting-a-noobs-plea-for-advice/?p=3714535 Here is a post where he (Phalanx Warder) talks about using the FW Scheme

http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/292010-imperial-fists-painting-a-noobs-plea-for-advice/?p=3714535 And the Scheme itself when I asked Forgeworld for it and was looking from Opinions from the Frater on how to go about getting a nice yellow.

I prime black undercoat white making sure to fully coat the high areas but not so much the low ones. Then 3 very light coats with demonic yellow spray. Each time making sure that it is as light as possible because it builds up very quickly.
  • 2 weeks later...

If you want a rich golden yellow, I don't think there's any genuine shortcut to building it up layer by layer, by brush. Yellow is such a translucent colour that the previous layers will always inform the final look. I spray mine black and then apply Averland/Yriel/Flash Gitz by brush... Dorn will be proud of your masochism! tongue.png


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