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Is Seth playable?


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So im kitbashing a Gabriel Seth and looking at his rules (if warlord), he swings 7-9 S9 ap4 on the charge. Plue his special rules. Has anyone had success with him?


Also im thinking about putting him in a DP with Bolter DC tactically speaking.

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Ha ha, yes, that 3+ save.

I've used him a couple of games and every time he went down it's because I flunked some saves and he got punked by S4 shots.... laugh.png

Tanking a couple of S10 smash attacks on his iron halo? No probs

Seraphim bolt pistols or some shoota boys in a trukk? Dead chapter master

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I think he may be best with a Hammernator escort... use LoS! to pass off most attacks onto the Terminators, with their 2+/3++ saves, and use Seth for what he is good at, delivering a whole lot of S9 AP4 on the charge... great against vehicles (even Land Raiders) and hordes (which Terminators struggle with). Also, between Rending and S8 at initiative 5, he can acutally do decent in challenges, since T4 characters only have to fail one save against him and they are IDed.

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Instant Death against other non-bike marines is a wonderful thing to have on a mini costing a Land Raider minus 19 Meltabombs. It makes him a dab hand in a challenge, especially combined with Rending granting the occasional AP2 Wound, and his Warlord Trait and special rules make him good at anti-horde aswell. He definitely benefits from being attached to a smaller squad, like a Command Squad, or, as said above, Hammernators, although I would prefer to have him accompanied by something that can perform a sweeping advance against non-ATSKNF armies.

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I tend to put him in a mini on foot Death Star squad like DC, van vets ect, with two other characters usually a priest/corbs and a librarian/Mephiston, depending on points and meta. Load it into a land raider crusader and send it forwards. A bit eggs in one basket but if it hits not much can stop them. Lots of fun! :)
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He's a cool mini, but it's preposterous that he's a Lord of War.  Seth might be a Chapter Master, but all he's good for is butchering light infantry, walkers, and tanks.  Killing light infantry, walkers, and tanks is something that so much of the rest of the army can do.  He's nowhere near tough enough to be a proper beatstick, which is why he's so cheap, and he doesn't pack the AP to take on the heavy hitters in an opposing army.  In short, he's like Mephiston.  He's a bully IC.

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I second CastellanDeMolay. I don't think being a LoW means a character has to beat everything else. Some do, some don't. Is just something more we can add to armies as it is now. 


I'm not saying Seth would be a great choice for a tournament or competitive list, but between that and useless there's a lot of ground. By the looks of it is a pretty fun piece, costs peanuts and will probably put a lot of (admittedly weaker) units through the blender. Which frees the usual beatsticks for other targets. 


What i mean is go for it, i know i would.

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I see him being a LoW as a good thing, it means you can take 2 Sanguinary Priests in a single FoC aswell as Seth. 


Except that those two priests will actually contribute to your army, while the points spent on Seth would be much better spent on more Death Company.


My primary objection to him being a Lord of War is that he's so underwhelming as a Chapter Master.  Look at Dante, or Draigo.  Both are brutal killing machines, but both also bring a ton of utility to armies that include them.  Draigo brings guaranteed access to the best Santic power in the deck, 2 psychic levels, psyk-out grenades, Preferred Enemy (Daemons) to buff a squad he joins, and swings a S7 AP2 weapon at Initiative.  Dante has the best Warlord trait on the BA table, Hit and Run, swings a S6 A2 weapon at initiative, carries an inferno pistol, and packs the same awesome statline.  Seth has no 2+ save, a terrible Warlord trait, an AP4 weapon, and no buffs to his squad.


I'd rather have seen Seth be 200 points, give units he joins Hatred, give Death Company he joins Shred and Hatred, have artificer armor and an AP2 weapon, and give units within 6" a reroll on their charge distance.  Then he'd bring the mix of face-punching and army support that a Chapter Master in a Lord of War slot should have.

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I like using him. As long as you give him an escort unit he usually survives long enough to turn enemy troops into a small pile of steaks :)


In one friendly I had he accounted (personally) for ten Necron warriors, thee scarab bases, a ghost ark, an annihilation barge and Imhotek himself. Never took more than 1 turn to destroy what he was facing. Rather good fun :)

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I add him now as a LOW more than I did as an HQ He's what FT's are all about

Unless your a totally competitive player rather than fluff, he should be almost an auto add for a Flesh tearer list he's fun to play

I add him now as a LOW more than I did as an HQ He's what FT's are all about

Unless your a totally competitive player rather than fluff, he should be almost an auto add for a Flesh tearer list he's fun to play

Sorry for double crazy phone!

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I know I'm beating a dead horse here, but I agree with the others. Not good for tournies, but fun as hell to play with.


Having the bigger beatstick in a game gets boring and repetitive, unless you are a tournie player/masochist in which case you love being boring and have the min maxed units in the game.


As anecdotal evidence, I had him charge into a DE harpy (dudes with the melta guns) squad that had the Archon with that 2++ save BS. Seth proceeded to kill that unit and kicked the Archon in the nuts a few times before dying. He held up the guy for 3 whole turns.


I had more fun running him than the repetitive beatstick deadlock.

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I see him being a LoW as a good thing, it means you can take 2 Sanguinary Priests in a single FoC aswell as Seth. 


Except that those two priests will actually contribute to your army, while the points spent on Seth would be much better spent on more Death Company.


My primary objection to him being a Lord of War is that he's so underwhelming as a Chapter Master.  Look at Dante, or Draigo.  Both are brutal killing machines, but both also bring a ton of utility to armies that include them.  Draigo brings guaranteed access to the best Santic power in the deck, 2 psychic levels, psyk-out grenades, Preferred Enemy (Daemons) to buff a squad he joins, and swings a S7 AP2 weapon at Initiative.  Dante has the best Warlord trait on the BA table, Hit and Run, swings a S6 A2 weapon at initiative, carries an inferno pistol, and packs the same awesome statline.  Seth has no 2+ save, a terrible Warlord trait, an AP4 weapon, and no buffs to his squad.


I'd rather have seen Seth be 200 points, give units he joins Hatred, give Death Company he joins Shred and Hatred, have artificer armor and an AP2 weapon, and give units within 6" a reroll on their charge distance.  Then he'd bring the mix of face-punching and army support that a Chapter Master in a Lord of War slot should have.


I can see why you'd want him statted in the elite-slaying beat-stick mold almost every other HQ/LoW is cast in. It's a useful thing to have, but there's already Dante for that, so other than not being Bulky, what good is there in having a marginally different super-elite beat-stick? 


Or to put it another way, Why does something in a LoW slot need to fit into that mold? Assuming that the enemy army contains some huge monster, or super-powerful character, or some such, then it makes a lot of sense. Otherwise, if you're up against large swarms, or HQs with plenty of wounds, but poor saves, or something like that, then Seth finds himself a place where someone like Dante would be wasted. I disagree that his Warlord Trait is terrible. It's situational in that it won't always be better than another Trait, depending on the mission and your army list, but it is useful, and has good synergy with Seth's other rules, like the 4A base, plus Whirlwind of Gore; he can level entire units in a single turn with some good rolls, and the sheer volume of attacks can be enough to get through a 2+ save in a challenge, and remember most enemies only need to take 1 wound from Blood Reaver to get ID'ed. More Death Company isn't always an option, with Elites being as crowded as it is by good units, so Seth can make a nice addition to a unit of Vanguard, or DC, or even increase the punchiness of a unit of RAS. 

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