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Sicaran Sponsons?


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So my Sicaran has finally arrived from forgeworld and Im trying to decide what sponsons to equip it with. I am thinking lascannons would probably be more useful than the heavy bolter option. Has anyone used this tank and care to comment ?

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From recent experience lascannons aren't worth the points. Instead, spend 25 points on the Schism of Mars Legacy of Glory, for tank hunter (reroll failed armour pens) and +1 BS vs chaos vehicles. This also makes the sicaran stronger at anti-air.
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I look at it in terms of points that will be more effective elsewhere.


I take SoM anyway, and found this is good enough. A vehicle can't jink if it is dead or wrecked.


How many HPs will you do on average with the sicaran autocannon?  AV 10-11 I can understand, but assuming you'll wreck everything else you point it at seems unlikey.

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It won't wreck everything, every time. Nothing does. Everything gets dice AIDS at some point.


On average though, with TL and SoM, it will cause at least three glancing / penetrating hits, ignoring jink.


In any case I base my point on recent experience, 8 games with lascannon sponsons, and based on this experiences I am no longer using lascannon sponsons. No amount of theoretical debate will overrule a decision based on this experience. Those points are now invested elsewhere.

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We're not really arguing theory vs experience,  It's about the conclusions we draw from said experiences. 


In my experience not taking the sponsors (based on only 2 games, admittedly) is needlessly gimping a really good unit. Forcing the tyranid FMC to jink was worth those points, same thing for the serpent or the falcon parked in normal cover.  Didn't cause more than a few extra wounds or HPs total in those games but likely allowed my units to last longer by cutting into the damage output of the enemy. 

In the case of the FMC for instance it meant not having to jink with my raven while in skimmer mode the following turn. 


Don't think the sponsons are worth it? That's fine. But it's not fair to discount them only because we think the damage output is underwhelming. (for the record I agree with this part)

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Yes, do both.  Magnets.  Pretty easily accomplished, since all you need to do is widen the pre-existing holes in the mounting bracket and in the weapons; they're already almost big enough to slip a 1/8th in./3.2mm disc.


Only problem is you'll probably lose the power cable gubbins, or at least I did when I magnetized the sponsons on a Deimos Predator, which uses the same setup...haven't gotten around to magnetizing the sponsons on my Sicaran.


When I do the Sicaran, I may actually use less magnets than with my Predator.  No real need for magnets on top AND bottom, frankly, and it just increases the possibility of misalignment and a wonky lookin' weapon.

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Does the ignore jink apply to the sponsons as well? Because if it doesn't why would they jink? It ignores it anyway.

(Have been debating picking a sicaran up for awhile so forgive the lack of specific knowledge)

Ignore jink only applies to the turret IIRC. The sponsons can be jinked which is what forces the dilema on your opponent.
I think that magnets are indeed the way to go. Against most opponents, I would probably choose the lascannons but against hordes, I can see the benefit of heavy bolters for the sheer quantity of dakka!

From recent experience lascannons aren't worth the points. Instead, spend 25 points on the Schism of Mars Legacy of Glory, for tank hunter (reroll failed armour pens) and +1 BS vs chaos vehicles. This also makes the sicaran stronger at anti-air.

Where are the Legacies listed? I have the HH2 book with the Sicaran but I cannot see the legacies (unless I am looking in the wrong place, I haven't read it cover-to-cover yet).

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They start on page 244 of Imperial Armour volume two Second Edition. Here's a review.


To quote myself from the Tanks review:




To me, this is an Autolas on steroids and I see it fulfilling the same role: that of a transport popper. Not only that but as a Fast tank, it synergises well with our forces and flanked by some Baals or regular Predators will give your opponent a headache. As mentioned here, the following Legacies of Glory could be of use: Battle of Sarosh (gain Night Vision, Skyfire, Interceptor and Tank Hunter for one phase of shooting with the turret), War of Murder (Monster Hunter USR, friends within 6” are Fearless), Battle of Terra (gains It Will Not Die).


This is something I still believe in, but the cost of adding the sponsons on top of everything else is quite daunting. Personally, I doubt I would use the heavy bolter sponsons as I want my Sicaran to be focused on different targets and I usually have enough anti-hoard as it is.

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