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Legion of the damned, if so allies or elites?

Brother Raul

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Hi guys, quick question. Given that we dont have a lot of negate cover attacks in our lists been thinking about lotd. They seem a good fit given our reserve mainpulation from mulitple HQs or focs. Seems to tick a few boxes; target saturation, deny cover, cheapish, alpha strike, distraction unit. Think they kinda do a fragioso's role better. Now if you agree allies or elite? Iam leaning to elite. Thanks!
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Use them as an allied force. As an allied force, you can use them with any imperium army opening more options for use in the game. Legion are a very specific scalpel. As an allied formation, they may all deep onto objectives or near high value kill targets. I have mine built for various tasks. One squad 3xfire. One 3xplasma. One 3xmelta. 4th is utility. Against bugs, great synapse killers. Against Eldar, great anti-wave. Against orks, anti-horde. Ignoring cover saves is huge. Jink? I think not buddy. Scalpel. If you opponent has trouble with how you use them get him a copy of Milton Bradley's Operation.
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Thanks for the clarification on both allies & foc and lotd for BA Jolemi. Also thanks for the welcome too, 1st forum ive ever joined; have been following BA threads killing time till the new dex dropped and think this is the best community of BA player online. What are your thoughts on Lotd? Situational or winner?
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