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I think only my Wolf Guard have helmets so far. Used the wolf helm to help PAWG stand out from Grey Hunters. TDAWG have helmets so they stand out from HQ and Lone Wolf models. The only Claws I'm planning on are Skyclaws and I'm still thinking about giving them beaky helms or bare heads.


As for helmets in general, Dantay_xv found this gem of humor for us.


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I think only my Wolf Guard have helmets so far. Used the wolf helm to help PAWG stand out from Grey Hunters. TDAWG have helmets so they stand out from HQ and Lone Wolf models. The only Claws I'm planning on are Skyclaws and I'm still thinking about giving them beaky helms or bare heads.


As for helmets in general, Dantay_xv found this gem of humor for us.




Plus I imagine all that hair inside a helmet would get pretty itchy! That's not what you need when the xeno scum are charging at your door, beard rash.

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In my army only glorious Grey Hunters are allowed to bear their face to the enemy. Blood Claws are forbidden. And once a wolf brother has made it to the ranks of wolf guard it is of his own choosing.


...except for the Void Claws. The majiks of the warp have altered their vision and has forced them to don their helmets as their glowing eyes frighted their brothers. As if Space Wolves could be frightened...


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I like the look of helmets more (future space battles and stuff), and would find it funny to have warriors go into battle without a helmet on.


That said- in the fluff helmets are frowned upon by the wolves because it dulls the senses. There are specialized helmets that allow the wearer to still have the senses available to him (the wolf helmets), but they are rare and often given to squad leaders and such.


That said- my fluff for my Company has them wear helmets for reasons i don't want to get into just yet because i know some lore-enthusist (said nicely) will disagree with my company's lore (just a long story short- its a company that is in the process of falling).

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Personally, even with the enhanced senses, I find warriors wearing full plate armor going into battle without helmets just... wrong.


Thusly the vast majority of my Wolves wear helmets, pretty much everyone who isn't a Blood Claw. My Sky Claws don't wear them, and a lot of my Blood Claws are helmetless, but everyone Grey Hunter and above wears their buckets.


I figure they can always take them off to give the environment a good sniff or listen before dropping them back on.

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A lot of people say that un helmeted heads on space marines doesn't make much tactical sense. But even though I tend to agree with taht for my own armies, one of my favorite quotes about this comes from Captain Demeter in Fulgrim.



He disdained the wearing of a helmet to prevent the Laer from deciphering his orders over the vox-network, and because he knew that if he were hit in the head with one of the Laer weapons, he was as good as dead, helmet or not.


I imagine that a lot of Space Marines share this attitude.

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Personally, even with the enhanced senses, I find warriors wearing full plate armor going into battle without helmets just... wrong.


Thusly the vast majority of my Wolves wear helmets, pretty much everyone who isn't a Blood Claw. My Sky Claws don't wear them, and a lot of my Blood Claws are helmetless, but everyone Grey Hunter and above wears their buckets.


I figure they can always take them off to give the environment a good sniff or listen before dropping them back on.

Surely skyclaws would be the ones to wear them? Since they're blasting at high speeds through the air deep striking etc etc.


I model mine as I think would make sence with regard to their specific job. I.e. melts guns, plasma guns etc etc, the guys have helmets. Flying through the air .... They have helmets.


Most of the rest don't :)


But tis just how I model then to make sense to me :)

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He disdained the wearing of a helmet to prevent the Laer from deciphering his orders over the vox-network, and because he knew that if he were hit in the head with one of the Laer weapons, he was as good as dead, helmet or not.


I imagine that a lot of Space Marines share this attitude.


I always kinda figured though that military helmets weren't primarily designed to save you from a direct hit. I mean, what with the kinetics involved modern military kevlar helmet might save your head from perhaps one bullet and then you're suffering from whiplash anyway. Bullets aren't the only things to cause head injury though, moving fast through woodlands and ruined cityscapes means the risk of bumping your head into an often impressive array of obstacles is always present and a helmeted soldier would of course be able to move faster and more efficiently under such conditions. Then there is shrapnel. Shrapnel is bad. Marines who don't wear helmets often have "service studs" and the average Imperial citizen is too indoctrinated and in awe to ask them what they really are; only the apothecaries know the truth and boy do they bitch about it. 


Sorry, couldn't resist.

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I have only a handful of my wolves with their helmets on, a few have them mag locked onto their armour somewhere or placed on a handy rock or xenos skull on their base, but I would say a good 80-90% of my marines are bare headed. While I understand the argument and reasoning for wearing helmets I find that the bare headed look fits in much more for my vision of how the wolves would go to war and I like to think they would want to experience the world unfiltered and raw, and last but not least I really like painting bare heads and faces, the idea of painting over 80 fairly featureless marine helmets would bore me to tears cry.gif

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I tend to only use helmets for my plasma / melta guys, you know, dealing with that all day may melt your face off so I thought helmets would be a grand idea.

Lol, I like that reasoning, even though i dislike helmetless marines in general.



In my army only glorious Grey Hunters are allowed to bear their face to the enemy. Blood Claws are forbidden. And once a wolf brother has made it to the ranks of wolf guard it is of his own choosing.

Interesting idea, are the higher ups afraid the pimply youths will make the enemy laugh?


...except for the Void Claws. The majiks of the warp have altered their vision and has forced them to don their helmets as their glowing eyes frighted their brothers. As if Space Wolves could be frightened...

The hard vacuum of a space hulk or similar battlefields might not be so good for their skin either.


@Rasclomalum: LOL.

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In my army only glorious Grey Hunters are allowed to bear their face to the enemy. Blood Claws are forbidden. And once a wolf brother has made it to the ranks of wolf guard it is of his own choosing.

Interesting idea, are the higher ups afraid the pimply youths will make the enemy laugh?


...except for the Void Claws. The majiks of the warp have altered their vision and has forced them to don their helmets as their glowing eyes frighted their brothers. As if Space Wolves could be frightened...

The hard vacuum of a space hulk or similar battlefields might not be so good for their skin either.





It's an honor thing. One that is earned. So when you start out as a new marine, you are made to wear your helmet. Plus who wants to see a beardless space wolf?? Not me!!

I think that the Void Claws have looked into the vast infinity of space often enough allowing them to harness enough of the wyrd that they can predict incoming units. Hence the glowing eyes.


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How I see it and model my army, is that blood claws and other youngsters are too eager and dumb to wear their helmets. Grey Hunters on the other hand have seen enough heads blown and smashed not to wear theirs. Wolf Guard (aside from a few terminators), long fangs and HQ have figured that they've survived thus far so why not let the world see your well groomed beard.
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Most of my models wear helmets, as I prefer the look and hate painting faces (least in lotr the models are small enough for a wash to be enough) though I have been thinking of makeing a new Wolf lord in either terminator armour or riding a Arcaini, err Thunderwolf so may go unhelmed possibly, or maybe go for something like Dain ironfoots helm from the the batte of 5 armies.
I now have this image of the Grey hunters and long fangs teasing the claws over their lack of beards/pathetic ettempts at them, and the poor wolf guard/long fang who is just a late bloomer whilst they all wonder just what happened to Ragnar :P

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  • 2 weeks later...


The hard vacuum of a space hulk or similar battlefields might not be so good for their skin either.


Actually, it's not that detrimental, in the short term.  Between the carapace and one of the glands that secretes an oily protective layer, Marines can survive in vacuum longer than any mortal human.  As for the helmet, it has auto-sense links that would convey all sensory information as effectively as a bare-headed soldier. 


Honestly, the only real reason to model a Marine with (or without) the helmet would be the Rule of Cool.  Some look better with it, others without.

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