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Brother Lame

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Hey guys!


I'm Brother Lame, I live in North Devon, England and I started collecting and playing 40k for about nine or ten years now. I've always collected Space Marines, with attempts at branching out into Tau and other races never getting any further than the dabbling phase. I've always absolutely loved Terminators and Dreadnoughts to an insane degree, they're just my favourite thing in 40k by far. I run a custom chapter that I started back when I was about 14, which is bright blue, pink and yellow primarily, and despite how dumb the idea was even at the time, I stuck with it and ran with it for years and it just sort of became my thing I guess. I'm currently undecided about whether to stick to my (Tentacle Pink) guns with the colour scheme and Chapter, or put them to rest and try something a bit more... reasonable from now on.


After a few years of general hiatus (I was primarily a 4th and 5th edition player) where money has become more of an issue, and my old gaming group split up and went their own separate ways, I've rekindled my desire to paint, collect and ultimately (I'm hoping anyway) game again. My old models are frankly cringeworthy these days, although I'm still somewhat proud of my (still meagre) more recent pieces from the last couple of years ago, one model even winning a local GW painting competiton which got me a one to one painting tutorial with an 'Eavy Metal painter! Admittedly the competition wasn't too fierce (a lot of relatives of Veteran Trooper Smik, or very, very new painters) but it's still one of my prouder moments. I also went to a Grant Tournament Qualifier when I was 15 and one three of my six games with my horrendously painted Peace Crusaders.


I've also enjoyed playing a lot of TT Bloodbowl, a bit of Dark Heresy (I ran a campaign) and a frankly absurd amount of Dawn of War 1 &  2 and Space Marine!


Not really sure what else to say for now, I've got tons of questions as I try and ease myself back into the strange new world of 7th edition and getting back into the swing of things, but I'll try and work through them in their due places, as they become more pressing. Really looking forward to getting to know the community!



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Aha, a possible future Liberite?


Hail and welcome to B&C, brother. I would like to point you to the Liber in regard to your old DIY chapter (or perhaps something altogether new). Our Mods there would be happy to see a prospective DIY article and I have no doubt that we'll help wherever we can, whether you stick with your guns or decide to branch out. ;)

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Thanks for the welcomes guys!

Aha, a possible future Liberite?

Hail and welcome to B&C, brother. I would like to point you to the Liber in regard to your old DIY chapter (or perhaps something altogether new). Our Mods there would be happy to see a prospective DIY article and I have no doubt that we'll help wherever we can, whether you stick with your guns or decide to branch out. msn-wink.gif

Aye, I had seen that area and it's one of the things near the top of my 'To Do' list, gonna work on pooling a description of what I've got going on with the Chapter currently, together with thoughts on where I could take the current idea and then make a big post over there I think, not sure how long that'll take me however.


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Just be sure not to make one massive wall o' text, brother, as smaller chunks or a large piece broken up by other means (formatting, pictures, other bits and bobs) will draw in more commenters than one big blob of words. ^_^ 

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