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Ergo Corbulo?


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Well I got what I asked for: Corbulo as an HQ choice. But now individual priests take up a slot each, and along with everybody else and his dog being made HQ (ok, artistic exaggeration) and the price hike on the little fella, I'm left with that frustrated feeling of damn you GW, and your 'here's your cake but you can't eat it' shnanigans.


I'm tempted to include him with my tac frying pod squad, mainly for his reroll and as an aside for the pretty tasty boomph he brings to my DZ domination schemes. But is it really worth the PV? If my SG are nearby I can fiddle with the positioning of a few models so that the whole unit gets the corn bubble boost if the oppo charges them, but that's situational. Basically for 60 points less I can at least give the tacs FNP and have room for either:


Increasing scouts from 5 to 10


MMAB with biker squad


Fill out DC from 5 man with TH to 7 man with TH and PS.


Nice decision to ponder.


Anybody using him these days? What's your thoughts?

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Make that +3 INT if he's your Warlord.


Personally, I'll use him in a regular game again, but I don't know when (yet). He may still have a use in a CAD in a squad of DC or anything else you want to give the extra INT too. Just don't use him to tank stuff anymore.


He's still got that re-roll and despite it being clarified, it's not really changed at all. Still a useful emergency roll.

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As a warlord his init on the charge is insane! I love the extra wound, wasn't expecting that and that 2+ FNP was always going to go. He's evolved with the game and is one of our best buff units besides having a nice unique cc profile. But that reroll can be such a game changer. I suppose 15 points over the old price is good, if a 90pt captain is used to go by.
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Dunno about his use in a tac squad pod - you lose the special or heavy weapon due to only being 9 man. I guess you still get a combi?


Foot vanguard\termies in a raider?


I'd consider him in a sternguard squad. Buuf their defences, and if they get charged by MEQ, they go first with WS5 and 2A each, which isnt too shabby.

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Jolemai - you're right, but at the same time he's more flexible so can fit in with a few builds. Before he was just a tank machine to plonk I'm front of an assault unit.


Xenith - Agree, but I take tacs anyway. It means taking a combo instead of a flamer, less effective vs hordes of course. It seems he is suited more to static / defensive units than before and while his offensive tank is gone, he still has a spot with termies and that +1 unit on DC combined with BSF will make any dedicated xenos assault unit weep.


FrozenJordan - FNP comes from the narthecium now and only applies to the squad. It's the Red Grail which makes the +1 WS and I a bubble. Nice eh?



Still bearing a grudge over no jump pack. Grumble.

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Foot vanguard\termies in a raider?

Thought about that as well. Gives you a reason to field a couple of slice n dice terminators.

@Shaezus: Yeah me too, but that seems to be the standard for named characters, and even for some unnamed ones. Why wouldn't a chapter master/captain be allowed to take a suitable heavy weapon from the armoury? TDA captain with an assault cannon sounds like a good idea. And while we're at it why the censored.gif must the chapter masters of all successor chapters either look like Dante or Seth?

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Gunz - I'm inclined to agree on the priest with tacs but there's a few things keeping the decision in the balance. The reroll is the first reason I go for corbs. Worth 60 points for that alone? No. But it always has been a serious game-changer, so on a significant number of occasions it has been worth an entire game. Particularly in several incidences of absolutely maximum bad luck with scatter for a key unit.


That's the sticking point. The other things are just back-up justification; the bubble, the extra wound, the extra bite in cc which combined with FNP will allow that unit to do more than be a brick in my oppo's back yard.


Then I think of the extra DC and the difference that would make over corbs instead of priest...sigh...it's ultimately all about that reroll...

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Hmm well the only reroll I see to have any real worth is the (single) scatter dice assuming you even need it, and you can still use it on your sternguard even if he is attached to a different unit.


The reroll to-hit or to-wound are for a single dice, not the unit - pretty underwhelming imo.


Which is what it was before. Many use it as an emergency save or to re-roll that much needed scatter dice. Don't think I've ever heard of it used on a scatter dice to be honest.

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It's also nice to be able to re roll the invulnerable save vs an instant death hit. Used to do that with Dante last edition.

That's a good point, though thankfully Dante has EW now.


I'm just saying Corbulo doesn't need to be a part of the tactical squad, sternguard, Dante etc in order for that unit to take advantage of the reroll if that is the first reason to field him, but all of his other bonus are wasted when he is attached to a non-CC or unwieldy unit.

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I always field corbulo. Atm he goes with a unit o terminators (3TH/SH, 1 LC and 1 TH /Banner).


They ride in a raven along with a dc dread who with his 6" bubble strikes at I6 ws5


I am thinking along this:



Termie Ass. Squad with a 3xTH/SS & 2xLC

Riding in a LRC as I still have yet to purchase a Storm Raven


Is it worthwhile to add a Chaplain to the mix?


As you can never judge a unit without the looking at the rest of the Army, the idea is that the 3xdrop podding meltacide squads would drop in and the aforementioned expensive squad and transport would advance with support from Tactical Squads/Razorbacks.



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The real answer?  I just getting back into the hobby and am largely ignorant as I am still stuck in 5th Ed.


How would a Libby be better than the re-roll to hit on the charge the Chaplain provides?


Are you enjoying your return so far? :)


The Chaplain is the "safe" answer as you'll always get the re-roll on the first round that you charge and with his Rosarius, he has a 4++.


The Librarian would likely roll on the Sanguinary table. The Primaris, Quickening, will benefit either he, Corbulo or the Sergeant (best give him Lightning Claws to take full advantage). The rest are situational, but that's the chance you take. Alternatively/controversially, the Librarian could take Divination and the Primaris power there, Prescience, will give you re-rolls to hit for a game turn - provided you can get it off.


The Inquisitor just adds hilarity to the proceedings.

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I think Corbulo is almost a no brainer. Depending on your list lol.


For 120pts he's a force multiplier and his special rules are quite handy. Can't build an HQ equivalent for that point cost.


I played in a tournament this past weekend and ran him with an 8 man Death Company squad and Mephiston in a Stormraven. They came in turn 2 every game (didn't even need to use his re-roll) and proceeded to fold my enemy's flank (whichever table side they came in on). +1 WS and +1 INT was invaluable to the Death Company - plus this confers to any BA faction unit within 6". So nice.

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Librarian, TDA, storm shield, lvl 2
6 Ass terminators, 3 LC and 3 TH / SH
LR crusader


Quite the death star unit (expensive but should trash any unit they come across. Roll on sanguinary magic school. all spells are of value except for shield of sanguinius, Wings would be extremly good to close the gap with enemy units trying to run from you. Just keep Corbulo safe and you strike at S5 I6+ with claws, Librarian and Corbulo on the charge. Enough to decimate most enemy units

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