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Valdor, Shock Pulse, and HP Lose


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I just acquired a Valdor Tank Hunter and I have a conundrum. I'm reading through the Shock Pulse rule for its main weapon and I think it might cause an HP lose from even just a hit. Here is the rule in question:



Shock Pulse (IA1: 2nd Ed., Pg. 149)

The neutron laser pulse overwhelms a target vehicle's electronics and systems with a storm of electromagnetic radiation. Any non Super-heavy vehicle hit by the neutron laser suffers an automatic Crew Stunned result in addition to any damage caused by the weapon.


This seems to overlap with what happens to a vehicle that fails a difficult terrain test, suffering an Immobilized result AND a HP lose, except now its Crew Stunned instead of Immobilized.


I admit, it might be a reach or just a kindness from changing rule systems.

Either way, I'm asking you guys your thoughts.

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It's not explicitally stated that you lose a HP, whereas the Imobilised ruke you're comparing it to does state that as a consequence. Therefore no, there's zero case for saying the ability causes a HP loss.

^ This. Much like Gravitation's Immobilization, it doesn't cause a Hull Point loss unless it specifically states it does or announces that it generates a Glancing Hit.

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Vehicle Damage Results and Hull Points

Occasionally, a rule will state that a vehicle will suffer the effects of a Crew Shaken, Crew
Stunned, Weapon Destroyed or Immobilised result. Unless that rule also specifies that
the vehicle suffers a glancing hit, a penetrating hit, or otherwise states that the vehicle
loses a Hull Point, only the relevant result on the Vehicle Damage chart is applied to the
vehicle and no Hull Points are lost.

This is why I probably should wait until I can look through my rulebook before I go about posting all willy nilly. The Shock Pulse rule doesn't specify anything but Crew Stunned so Crew Stunned is it.


Thanks for the input though guys.

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