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Ruins, Objective Markers and Perils of the Warp


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So in 7th edition, levels on a ruin/building aren't taken into account, other than for moving (p.21), for template weapons, so flame an blast templates hit all models underneath the template regardless of what level they're on.


Also for objective markers, the rule states that you must be within 3" of the marker to secure it with a scoring unit (p.134) but this is also irrespective of ruin/building levels as they aren't taken into account other than for moving.


Perils of the Warp is apparently simultaneous with resolving a power (p. 25-26): "If the total number of harnessed Warp Charge points is greater than or equal to the Warp Charge cost stated in the psychic power's description, the Psychic test is successful", "the psychic power still manifests, regardless of whether or not the Psyker in question suffers a Wound or is slain by Perils of the Warp", and "Assuming the Psychic test was passed and the enemy did not negate it with a successful Deny the Witch test, the power has been successfully manifested. Resolve its effects according to the instructions in its entry." My understanding of that would mean that for powers that grant extra wounds or regain wounds (such as Life Leach), the psyker with 1W left would still gain his wound back but also suffer a wound if he failed his LD test or rolled a 1-4 on the Perils table because resolving the power and resolving the Perils happen at the same time (obviously being "removed as a casualty" is not the same as loosing a wound for failing a LD test on the 1 result on the Perils table).


Am I understanding of this right?

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1 - Yes


2 - You still need to have a model within 3" of the Objective.  So if the closest model to the objective is 6" above the objective marker in question (thanks to being on the upper level of a ruin, for example) then he's not within 3" of it. 


3 - The effect of the Perils happens before the power is resolved.  So in the case of a 1W Psyker losing a wound to a Perils whilst attempting Life Leech, the Psyker loses his last wound and is removed as a casualty before Life Leech could grant him that wound back.  Now the power still goes off and if there was another friendly model eligible to regain a wound from the power, then that model may benefit.  But it's too late for the Psyker as he/she/it is already dead.  See the "Manifesting Psychic Powers Sequence" box on page 24, which shows that the Perils happens and is resolved before the psychic power itself is resolved.

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2 - You still need to have a model within 3" of the Objective.  So if the closest model to the objective is 6" above the objective marker in question (thanks to being on the upper level of a ruin, for example) then he's not within 3" of it. 


I'm not understanding this part. On the page that deals with moving up levels it simply states that each level counts as 3"*, and that the max distance that each model in a unit can be from each other to remain in coherency is 6" up and down levels. The portion on the objective markers only states you have to be within 3" of the marker, nothing about ruin/building levels. Is their a rule stating somewhere else about having to measure vertically for objective markers on higher levels? Or are the movement/coherency rules being used to make the measurement?


* EDIT: It states that you must measure vertically for movement I meant to say.


EDIT: What I'm trying to say is that the rules make a distinction between vertical measuring only for movement and coherency purposes. Measuring for range for shoot and placing templates do not take this into account.



3 - The effect of the Perils happens before the power is resolved.  So in the case of a 1W Psyker losing a wound to a Perils whilst attempting Life Leech, the Psyker loses his last wound and is removed as a casualty before Life Leech could grant him that wound back.  Now the power still goes off and if there was another friendly model eligible to regain a wound from the power, then that model may benefit.  But it's too late for the Psyker as he/she/it is already dead.  See the "Manifesting Psychic Powers Sequence" box on page 24, which shows that the Perils happens and is resolved before the psychic power itself is resolved.


Ah, that was an oversight on my part! Thanks!

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Note "Measuring Distances" on page 10 - "Distances between models and all other objects* are always measured from the closest point on one base to the closest point on the other base"


* An objective marker is an object on the battlefield.


You are still measuring from the objective marker to the model and that measurement is a 3 dimensional measurement, not purely horizontal.  The same is true of shooting, you measure from the shooting model to the target model.  If the target model is higher / lower than the marker / firer then the distance from one to the other will be greater than the horizontal measurement.


In the case of shooting, lets say you wish to shoot a pistol at an enemy model in a ruin.  The model is 5" above the ground and the ground floor directly underneath him is 12" away.  Basic trigonometry lets me calculate that the target model is actually 13" away (5,12,13 right angled triangle), so will actually be out of range of the pistol.  So the height of the model has taken the model out of range.

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