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Emperor's Children phased out?

Pilgrim Pod

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Hi there guys. I've umm'd and ahh'd about starting up a small EC force for quite some time and have finally decided to take the plunge. My concern though is that they're being phased out because on the UK GW site the noise marine bits have been out of stock for a few weeks now. Are they now going OOP? Can anyone shed any light on what's going on there and put my concerns to rest? I like the look of the sonic weaponry sprues and don't fancy kitbashing or going the FW route for noise marines so am eager to know that I'll still be able to purchase the kits from GW. Thanks in advance for any enlightenment!
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It's likely due to them being slow sellers as most who use Noise Marines (NM) usually run them in small squads (should be six but some non-believers go for five marines) with a single Blastmaster upgrade. So all the Sonic Blasters just make you spend more for parts that don't get used.


Personally though, converted ones look much more personal and original. Much more Slaanesh ;)

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It wouldn't be a caching problem, but as a SoB player let me tell you never to worry about items going up and down on the GW store as it almost always means nothing of import ;)


Starting a Slaanesh force myself the topic gave me pause, but don't forget you can raid FW for similar bits too which is what I'm planning on doing :)

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Ah... cache issue sorted. They are indeed in stock! Order placed for a box of marines and the sonic weaponry. Thanks for the help fellas.


On another note with regards to starting a new army I've noticed the necron immortals in the bundle set on the GW site now come on 32mm bases whereas the old box set is on 25mm. I know a few marine boxes are now based on 32mm too so going forward should I just purchase the larger bases for my CSM or not? I know from a rules perspective it is unimportant. I guess on a larger base they are less likely to topple over and the base itself can be made more decorative because of the extra space. I want to build a visually appealing, uniform force hence my dilemma. Stumped here.

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The 25mm vs 32mm purely comes down to visual appeal. That will only cease once GW stops packaging 25mm bases and says "32mm is the new standard" officially.


If you like the look of the models on 32mm bases, go for it. If you prefer to stick with 25mm, go for it.

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GW don't state that a certain size base has to be used for certain models. Some are obvious (Dreads, bike, Knights..), but as for infantry size, there is no hard and fast rules. A fair few people even put HQ models on 40mm (which looks good).
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Thanks again guys. I'll be going the 32mm route. If my local GW store is anything to go by, all stores are now giving the option of free 32mm bases now when you purchase old boxes with 25mm bases so it seems to me that 32mm is going to be the future standard.


Looking forward to assembling my noise marines tonight! I'm kinda wishing I picked up the metal EC shoulders now too...

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