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Sketch - Fire Angels


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His pose looks...tired?  I dunno, that's the first word to come to mind.  An awkward semi-slouch, a very casual aim from the hip rather than the more used-and-abused straight arm pose...he almost looks like he should be leaning against a wall.


But pose aside, the colors, shading, detail, etc. is all superb as ever.  I loathe your definition of "sketch" though. :P

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Well, Sketch because these arent full illustrations in the sense as what I normally do, hence the bit about special offer on our blog.


In regards to the pose, that's good. He is supposed to look tired.

Space Marines are extraordinairy beings, but they are not tireless.

This is supposed to look like he is guarding his mate (who obviously is very hurt, but still fighting) with his last reserve of strength.



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In that case, a subtle touch that I, for some reason, feel might help out loads: mouth open in a pant, rather than closed?

No idea why, but that seems a must. Part of what is bugging me is the look on his face right now, unfinished as it may be. His mouth is just one line, but it looks like a surly pout.

And if he's meant to be bruised and battered, perhaps his perfect hair could use a touch of ruffling, too?

I know I know, "it's just a sketch," but I figure it's best to get this kinda stuff out there early on laugh.png

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Alright, since I got several notions on liking the SM sketch I did this (hope this is okay, otherwise, powers that be, let me know)


If you pay with a tweet, you are allowed to download the full-sized space marine image, you can also use it to print for own usage only.


The text-link for "pay with a tweet(FB/Linkedin/Google+) message" is here:



Please note that there is no money involved in getting the highres image, only a mention on social media.

If this is against the forum rules, please remove this post and let me know.

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neither. Digital. It's all digital!



Which proves a point I have made elsewhere many times-


Digital is just a medium, and if you know how to work your medium, it doesnt matter which medim you use.



The only drawback of digital is that, baring printing posters/on canvas, there is no "original" to be held in your hand..


But I once painted my sister in law on a dragon, printed it on canvas and gave it to her as a birthday gift.


Everyone thinks its an original oilpainting.

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Just a sketch, he says. That sketch has more artistic finesse to it than I could muster on absolutely any given day. But then, I prefer to write, rather than draw. Excellent work - I look forward to seeing the polished version of the image. :tu:

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Olis, we all ave our things we do good. this happen to be my livelyhood, so if I'm not good, then I don't eat.


That said, it takes years and continuous practise to hone such skills, and I do not, by a long-shot, call myself complete and/or "the best" or any such things.


This one piece will remain a sketch. There are other pieces coming soon. We're running a cheaper commissions marathon and there are one or two space marines in there (all these sort of things you'll find out through the blog normally, so keep your eyes peeled).

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Well, still, as a sketch it looks lovely. happy.png

Here's a thought - the way the image is composed (an empty space on the left) it'd make a great desktop wallpaper. msn-wink.gif

Yes, yes it would. and like said earlier, I offer a high-res version for a tweet or FB-share. Just look a bit higher up in this topic ;)

Out of interest, what program(s) do you use for this sort of artwork?

I'm gradually looking into expanding into creating digital art (only as a hobby currently), and I wondered what you'd consider to be the most useful / best value for money program?

Thanks, IHF

Hi there.

I use mainly Photoshop. It's the program I used from the beginning.

Most value program would have been Painter, up until very recently, because it is an extremely strong program for painting.

I use it on occasion, mainly for sketching and specific lighting effects.

I would use Painter a lot more if it wasn't for the fact that I know Photoshop ten-fold better as a program.

Painter is also quite cheap (relatively) for a painting/illustrating program.

Photoshop, traditionally, has been very expensive. ranging from three to ten times more expensive then Painter.

With the new subscription feature of Photoshop, it becomes a bit more even though.

I pay about 12 Euro's a month for my Photoshop. and in the long run it will cost me more then to buy photoshop did (I dont think that option even is around more), but it will take a very long time before it will cost me the 1600 Euro it costed to buy the latest Photoshop version before this one.

Worth noting is that both programs take learning. You will need to practice to make it anything.

If you're just looking to doodle and not want to spend money on something you don't know you will use then I suggest GIMP (which is for free), or to take up Photoshop and just cancel the plan if you tire of it.

GIMP is used by alot of people and have been called the "poor mans Photoshop".

A lot of people who used it when they couldnt afford anything else swear by it and use it into professional work (until hired by someone, since they then will step over to whatever program the company is using, mostly Photoshop, sometimes Painter).

I tried GIMP, and for me it was crap. I couldnt get it to do what I wanted and I soon just let it drop, but mainly because certain things that are working in a certain way in Photoshop, as well as in Painter, just worked differently or opposite in GIMP.

It wasn't worth my time, as I already knew two other programs.

That's about as specific I can get right now.

Hope it helps, and have fun!

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You didn't mention, though... You do use a Wacom or other tablet, right? Hard to imagine you're getting this quality out of a mouse or track pad of some kind. I've tried a couple different stylus options for my iPad, but I've wanted a Wacom for ages. If only I was a graphic designer and not a copywriter... I get the Adobe Suite free from work but I really only use Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign. 

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Thanks, that's really interesting - I think for basic editing, I'll continue using Pixlr, which is functionally similar to GIMP [being a free alternative to photoshop], mainly becuase I've got about a year's experience in using it, so I know my way around pretty well.


I think I'll just have to experriment with the software that comes with the graphics tablet I'll be getting, but Painter sounds like it could be very useful - thanks again

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You didn't mention, though... You do use a Wacom or other tablet, right? Hard to imagine you're getting this quality out of a mouse or track pad of some kind. I've tried a couple different stylus options for my iPad, but I've wanted a Wacom for ages. If only I was a graphic designer and not a copywriter... I get the Adobe Suite free from work but I really only use Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign. 



YEah I use a Wacom.


for a beginner/hobbyist I don't recommend throwing large ammounts of money out on a tablet. Don't get me wrong, I love my Intuos4, but I worked for yeas with a Trust. And Odys is also pretty decent.


Also worth noting is that I learnt photoshop for about seven years without a tablet at hand. It was extremely slow, and there wa no chance in hell I could do any form of work that way because of the speed(non-existant) with it, but it taught me so much about the programme that it was already second nature when I got my first tablet.



As long as you know and understand your medium, whether Photoshop, Painter, charcoal, oils or whatever, you can focus on painting.

It's a tool. There is no "better" tool, only the tool you know how to use.


Pixl I never heard of, but if you master it I'm pretty sure you cn paint just as good por better then me if you practice enough (or perhaps already?).


Even MS paint give a decent output, though in comparison to Photoshop, Gimp or Painter, it's comparable to the difference between wall-carvings and oilpaints.

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