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Ashen Circle after Istvaan?


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Greetings brothers. My question for the day to you all is about the fate of the ashen circle after the word bearers showed their true colors? I was contemplating painting them in their more traditional red and silver. DId their organization survive after Istvaan?
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My personal opinion (backed up by nothing whatsoever) is that in keeping with their name, the ashen circle would probably have maintained their grey livery, even if all other word bearers became the silver and Crimson that we know and love :)


Their elite status as the super elite of the word bearers ordinary soldiery would probably nature that they could keep their grey colour scheme. Kind of like the Justaerin always being black in the Luna Wolves

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As someone starting a Heresy-era Word Bearers army, I've looked at the Ashen Circle what seems to be a million times...And I still don't like them. Try as hard as I can, I just can't seem to like them. I think its the different looking armour, it's so....strange.


I'd like to believe that the Ashen Circle simply ceased to exist, simply because I don't like the models.

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Look at the Ashen Circle kit. Now look at the Raptors/Warp Talons kit. Now look again at the Ashen Circle kit... Notice anything?


That they have no weapons in common at all?


What I actually noticed is that they'd kick ass if I ran them using the BA codex (which I've been noticing about a lot of things recently, I admit, but that isn't the point)

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