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Legion Praetors as chaos lord?

Lord Pariah

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Good evening my fellow legionaries in exile.. 

Like many of you, I have Made my war bands fluff in such a way that it has (direct) ties to the pre-heresy legions... and. we being fluff gamers, love to place 30k bitz with our 40k army.


But I see a warpstorm, gentlemen.. this storm heralds whispers; whispers of a new codex, whispers of nerfs and buffs, whispers of competitiveness and not-so-useless units (i'm looking at you mutilators) but most of all, the storm whispers of a change in values and organisations...


Now, this isn't bad, per se. just means that we don't know, the gods will either grant us boons of dark apotheosis or curse of spawn hood.. or maybe even the meh-hood of adamantium will against tau.. the dark gods have a twisted sense of humor, after all.


"But my lord, what are you getting at?"


Why thank you, dear familiar, I was going on about placing who ever made the eldar codex (phil kelly?) in a cell and playing 'this is how eldar should work' but I digress.


my dear, would you be so kind as to fetch me the pict-captures?

"which ones, the legionaries or the slannesh-"


"oh.... One moment.." * the familiar scuttles off and comes back to place something into the hololith.




do you see it? *link*


basically use these two (with some converting obviously) as my chaos lord, with relevant war-gear, as I dont actually have a lord model..


No I would not lie to you, but I am in the assumption that the one on the left is and early terminator? but I cannot be sure... if that's the case, I will need to find a combi-bolter that could fit the model *looks at loyalist box*.




oh, and perhaps any of you lovely denizens of darkness can recommend anything that would look like a familiar... Ive thought of putting the power armor guy on the newer 32mm bases to make room.


thoughts, anyone?

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Mutilators still don't work out of the new codex.




the problem with both models is that they are on foot and chaos has huge problems with using those. As for the sole use of the models, there is no problem. size is the same as other foot HQs.

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Mutilators still don't work out of the new codex.




the problem with both models is that they are on foot and chaos has huge problems with using those. As for the sole use of the models, there is no problem. size is the same as other foot HQs.

Really, I never had a problem with them... huh, to each his own.

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I think it is a great idea, though they would need some heavy conversion to make them look less Astartes and more GLORIOUS CHAOS!

Some skulls, some brass etches, maybe swap the weapons for more twisted stuff.

I say go for it.

I'd be very interested in the result.

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I was of the same idea but before I invest in resin crack I would like to see a FW rendition of the Librarian and Techmarine in the HH era. I want something other than a lord in terminator armor. On the other hand I plan to invest in jetbikes, ... few things are as cool as jetbikes. 

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Those make a great base for a standard sized, less Chaos worshipping Lord. End of the day, all our minis are basically modified Imperial minis.


If you wanted something more twisted and intimidating you wouldn't go far wrong that to look at the Gal Vorbak.

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Those make a great base for a standard sized, less Chaos worshipping Lord. End of the day, all our minis are basically modified Imperial minis.


If you wanted something more twisted and intimidating you wouldn't go far wrong that to look at the Gal Vorbak.


The Gal Vorbak models are really good, I use them as Thousand Sons fleshchanged/possessed (symbols are the same).


I'd say go for it, I've built my thousand sons to be used in 30k and 40k. The only thing I would say with the Praetors would be to do something about the imperial eagles, I plan to carefully cut into mine and then paint it as self inflicted damage. I mean, who wears and eagle? Honestly..

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