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Blood Angels Deathstars


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As the title suggests, I'm curious to see what sort of units and combinations people consider to be "deathstars" for the Blood Angels.


You get bonus points for fluffyness and what I'm calling "internal consistency" - by which I mean that, for example, Corbulo's lack of a jump pack rules him out of a jump unit. This isn't meant just to be a unit in isolation - let's take viable combinations we might actually play with!


My first thought lies with the classic Dantestar:


Commander Dante


Sanguinary Priest

- Jump pack

- Valour's Edge

- Fury of Baal


Librarian (Sanguinary Powers)

- Mastery level 2

- The Angel's Wing

- The Crown Angelic

- Galian's Staff


10-man Sanguinary Guard

- Deathmasks

- 2 power fists

- 2 encarmine axes

- 4 infernus pistols

- Chapter Banner


So, what have you got? :D

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I'm going to be running




Command squad

1x Champion

1x Noviate

3x Veteran Meltagun + stormshield


Optional to add a Librarian


Don't know weather it qualifies as a Deathstar but its a pretty useful unit. Dante Tanks with his 2+ armour and eternal warrior. Any AP1-2 attacks get LOS to a storm shield and you've got a noviate for the FNP bonus. The Champion can take challenges and leave Dante to wreck whole squads, also bringing Hit and Run to the table.


Dante is the only really close assault beast, but to be honest anything else would be overkill 90% of the time, if you really want to beef them up you could add a librarian.

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As discussed in another thread:



Sanguinary Priest - Bike, Valour's Edge, Auspex, Bolt Pistol (the +1pt that makes me raaaAAAAAAAAAAGE!)

Captain - Bike, Relic Blade, Storm Shield, Auspex


Though I'm wondering whether a Gallian's Staff ML2 Libby rolling on Biomancy might not be a better choice over the Captain.

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Astorath + JP Librarian ML2 with Gallian's Staff + 10 JP Death Company with 2 Power Fists and 2 Power swords.


This is the definition of overkill IMHO for 590 points in total.


You could stick Dante in there, too... :D


I'm feeling there's not a huge selection of deathstar-type options in the book, then?  It could be because my main experience in playing is Fantasy, rather than 40K, but I kinda thought there would be more!


To twist the thread slightly, what deathstars out there would you expect to see fairly commonly?  Are there any?  If I'm hitting tournaments, are there any really filthy unit combinations I should be avoiding?

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I'm feeling there's not a huge selection of deathstar-type options in the book, then? 



This issue is while we definitely have the offensive power you desire in a Deathstar, we don't have the durability that justifies putting 50%+ of your points into one unit.

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I'm not sure if it counts as a deathstar, but i like this:


10 Death Company marines 2PW fist

Chaplain (or Astorath, but i'm not too fond of jumpers into a raven)


Death Company Dread


Stormraven - Assault cannon, heavy bolters, hurricane bolters.


I'm pretty sure it can put the fear of Sanguinius on about everyone.

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To twist the thread slightly, what deathstars out there would you expect to see fairly commonly?  Are there any?  If I'm hitting tournaments, are there any really filthy unit combinations I should be avoiding?

Thunderwolf star is pretty dominant at the moment. 5+ TWC with stormshields and 1 or 2 tanky characters with 2+ save at the front and and some nasty CC wargear. You get a fast T5 multiwound unit that hits like a ton of bricks and can keep on dishing out the hurt on subsequent turns. Against armies with numerous smaller units (particularly Tau and Eldar), the ICs often peel off to target tanks just before the charge. It does not rely on psyhcic powers or a snipeable character so no easy counters.
There are other Deathstars out there. A big mob of Ork Ardboyz with Big mek KFF, Painboy for FNP and a Tanky warboss in mega armour with Lucky Stick is pretty nasty.
Tzeentch Screamerstar was big in 6th and is still nasty. Slightly easier to deal with as Blessings can at least be denied on a 6.
For Knights, the Adamantine Lance is probably the biggest cheese-fest around. Most armies can kill a Knight or even 2 at a push. Killing 3 Knights who all get to reroll their 4++ Ion Shield saves is almost impossible without extensive list tailoring.
I crunched some numbers before Christmas and Death Company led by Astorath will actually kill their own points value of Thunderwolf star quite reliably but only if they get the charge. If the TWC charge or if the combat drags on too long, the Death Company will quickly get whittled down.
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I've been running Dante, 8 DC with Jump Packs (1 PW, 1 PF), a Priest and a Chaplain. Absolute monster of a unit. Playing against (old) Necrons a couple of weeks ago they took out a 20-man warrior unit (as in killed all of them in one assault phase) then multi-charged a Ghost Ark and Annihilation Barge, wrecking both of them, and then took out Imotekh and 9 Warriors in the following turn. Lost about half the DC in the process plus the Chaplain.

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I am currently running Blood Angels and Thunder Wolves the entire Unite has FNP and a mix of 2+ 3+,  2+ 6+, and 3+ 3+


Dante grants hit and run 

Sanguinary Priest on a Bike for FNP

Librarian on Bike for Prescience

Great Wolf Detachment

Wolf Lord On Thunder Wolf w/PF

2x iron Priests 

4x Cyber Wolves 

6 TWC w/ Bolt Pistol /Storm Shields 


The Unit hits with:

30x STR  5 Rending 

8x Str 4 Rending 

5x Str 8 Powerfist

10x Str 10 Thunder Hammer 

6x Str 7 AP2 Dantes Axe

3x attacks at Str 4

3x Attacks at Str4 Force 

11x Str 5 Impact hits


It pretty much runs through anything on the charge and thanks to counter attack and Hit and Run continues to slam into new units. 

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