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Gabriel Seth - command squad - load out ideas


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I'm looking for ideas for load out for a flesh tearer command squad for Seth and librarian (rhino)


I've not used a command squad before, but I've purchased the models and have loads of spares/ magnets and it's time to build them


Other units in my rhino / razor list are


Vanguard Vets x5 (plasma pistols, mixed ccw)

DC x10 (power weapon)

Assault Squad x5 (melta x2 inf pistol x2)

Tacticals x10 (HF F)

Tacticals x10 (HF F)

Devistators x5 (2x las 2x launcher with flakk)


What should I load the command squad out with ideas please gentlemen

Thank you in advance

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BA Command Squads are in a strange place at the moment. Command squads are limited to 5 models, and have access to lots of tasty weapons, which would make them a really good shooty unit. The problem is that the Company Champion and Sanguinary Novitiate cannot take Special/Ranged/Melee Weapons, they're stuck with their choppy load-outs. The CC capabilities of the unit are limited by the number of models. 


However, the small size of the unit does play into Seth's style, as he needs to be outnumbered to gain his extra attacks from Rampage, so a small CC unit could provide decent synergy with him. The Company Champion can cod-piece block an enemy character for at least a turn, so that Seth can be set loose upon the weaker members of the enemy unit to bring them down to size. (although you might want Seth to take the challenge early, since his large number of attacks and potential to ID things can be useful, so not having that option is a little unfortunate) 

Since they'll be accompanied by a Librarian and Seth, and will be riding in a Rhino, I'd say you want to avoid laying the upgrades on too thick. FNP has good synergy with Plasma, as it provides better protection against Gets Hot. So Plasma Pistols might be worthwhile. Otherwise Grav or Infernus Pistols might be useful to get units to disembark where you can assault them. 


The Rhino is the weak link here, you'll be lucky to get that number of points across the table in a Metal Box, even with Fast. You don't want this unit footslogging, but a Land Raider is wasted points unless it's packed to the rafters. If I were running a Command Squad, then I'd be tempted to go with a smaller unit that can fit into a Razorback, and I'd probably look at putting Mephiston in there with them, as be combines a great stat-line with being a Psyker, condensing the unit down a bit while keeping most of the potency you'd get from your 7 models. That way the vehicle can at least put out some decent shooting if it gets immobilised,  (Sorry if this part isn't useful to you, I know you said FT/Seth)


Actually looking at your other units you've got plenty of credible CC threats in there, so you might well get away with putting the CS in a Rhino, if your opponent isn't desperate to get Slay the Warlord. 


Initially, I'd say it may be a good idea to take them naked, and try to plug gaps in your battle line, then see what else they need to do whatever role they fall into during games. 

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I'd go all out melee (disclaimer: that's what i always do, so take it as a warning). 

Make it a small but nasty squad, 2PWs and a fist, with Seth and a Libby should be quite fun to play. If manages to arrive, a rhino is not exactly sturdy. 

I like Rhinos, i use them, but i know they are easy to crack. Expecially if there's a killy squad inside. 


Obviously it depends by the level of competition you aim for. I'm all about relaxed and friendly games, serious stuff is not my turf.

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Thanks for two great answers gents

With the points available at the moment I'll kit them out

Fairly naked as you've suggested with one shield to help against strong stuff, and two infernus pistols (or plasma pistols) - see if I can squeeze points from somewhere for a razorback and have Seth with them and Libby could maybe ride with the VV - with 7 tin boxes to open I'm hoping the razorbacks would be the priority kills for opposite side to pick on 1st so maybe leave in the rhino for now - is a company standard worth taking? I didn't think so at 1st glance

Crusader bob I'm lucky if I play anyone other than my son and his SWolves that kick my arse everywhere anyway I play for fun win or lose and if I can make it a little fluffy ie like the books I've read even better

Ps I will probably keep them tight to the VV and DC

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How about like this?


+++ Mech 2 (1750pts) +++



+ HQ (70pts) +


Librarian (70pts) [bolt Pistol, Force Weapon, Melta bombs]


····Exterminatus: Flesh Tearers [Warlord Traits]


+ Elites (735pts) +


Death Company Squad (220pts) [5x Bolt Pistol, Bolter, 5x Chainsword, 6x Death Company Marine, Power Weapon]

··Razorback [Twin Linked Assault Cannon]



Gabriel's Back - Command Squad (225pts)

··Razorback [Twin Linked Assault Cannon]

··Veteran [bolt Pistol, Chainsword, Storm shield]

··Veteran [Chainsword, Plasma Pistol]

··Veteran [Chainsword, Plasma Pistol]




Vanguard Veteran Squad (290pts) [bolt Pistol, 2x Chainsword, 2x Lightning Claw, 2x Plasma Pistol, Storm Shield, Thunder Hammer, 4x Vanguard Veteran]

··Razorback [Twin Linked Heavy Flamer]

··Veteran Sergeant [Plasma Pistol, Power Weapon]


+ Troops (410pts) +


Tactical Squad (205pts) [Flamer, Heavy flamer, Rhino, 9x Tactical Marine]

··Tactical Sergeant [bolt Pistol, Chainsword, Melta Bombs]


Tactical Squad (205pts) [Flamer, Heavy flamer, Rhino, 9x Tactical Marine]

··Tactical Sergeant [bolt Pistol, Chainsword, Melta Bombs]


+ Fast Attack (135pts) +


Assault Squad (135pts) [4x Assault Marines, 2x Meltagun, Rhino]

··Assault Sergeant [2x Inferno Pistol]


+ Heavy Support (245pts) +


Devastator Squad (245pts) [4x Devastator Marine, 2x Lascannon]

··Devastator Sergeant [bolt Pistol, Chainsword]

··Missile launcher [Flakk missiles]

··Missile launcher [Flakk missiles]

··Razorback [Lascannon & Twin Linked Plasma Gun]


+ Lords of War (155pts) +


Gabriel Seth, Chapter Master of the Flesh Tearers (155pts)

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A Librarian could be pretty nice for quickening. It could make sure Seth Instant Death's his opponent in a challenge (just need one rending hit to go through on what... 5 to 8+ attacks easily?) before they even get to strike or make the company champion do some damage before he bites it to the enemies monster character.


I'd almost be tempted to just have storm shields on the plasma pistol guys (instead of the chainswords), you lose 3 attacks in combat but you'll love the extra 3++ insurance for when they need to take a turn of everything to the face after disembarking, and Seth has enough medium AP attacks to handle everything else.

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I run him with 5 death company marines.

Usually 2 with bolters and power fists, two with ccw/hand flamers, one with a plasma pistol or inferno pistol and power weapon. 

Then I send him after any infantry mob on the table (at least, that's the plan at the outset), taking full advantage of his rampage rule. If I put him in a storm raven this allows me to get into the back field. 

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