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Objectives and Close Combat

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If a unit is involved in a close combat, does it prevent them from claiming an objective? This came up in a recent game where I was holding an objective and I had positioned my forces so that I would prevent my opponent from being within 3" which gave me sole possession of the objective. He stated that units in assault couldn't claim objectives. I disagreed and asked him where the rules stated that. He became very...excited, so in the interest of getting on with the game I let it slide. Is his claim supported? I couldn't find anything in the rules stating that units in assault cannot claim objectives.


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Thanks for the reply. It is a rare occurrence given the factors you listed but it can be mitigated if you position your models carefully to take into account the pile in moves. I won the game so the dispute didn't really effect things too much but I would like to see something in print that supports either point of view.
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Unfortunately, there will probably not be any line saying models in an assault may control objectives in the positive, so to convince your opponent reading the whole of assault rules and objectives rules would probably be the only thing that could suffice.

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As far as I know, units in assaults can still hold objectives, although due to pile in and other factors the chances of them being within 3" and the thing they are fighting not being within 3" is pretty low.

In those situations where both units are in close combat within 3" is where Objective Secured shines.

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Direct copy and paste from my digital book.



"Scoring Units

Any unit can be a scoring unit, unless:


•It is a Swooping Flying Monstrous Creature, a Zooming Flyer or is a unit currently embarked on a Zooming Flyer.

•It has a special rule specifying that it never counts as a scoring unit.

•It is currently Falling Back (if the unit Regroups it immediately reverts to being a scoring unit again).

•It is a building or fortification that is unclaimed (claimed buildings count as a scoring unit from the claiming player’s army"



And that's all I could find in there.


I have been playing it wrong it seems lol. I also thought units in close combat couldn't claim objectives.


So if you have an elite holding the objective, and your opponents troops with objective secured makes a last turn dive, then they can steal it from you!

Or at least contest the objective so nobody gets it.

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