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Hand of Darkness - how to model it?


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So I am in the process of making another HQ and this one will be sporting the Hand of Darkness because its just so cool.


But I am a little stumped on what to model it as, the description is a little lacking really.

So I come to the brethren here to seek suggestions and help, especially keen to see what others have used to represent it.

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Read through the other thread and considered my options and thinking I might go for something akin to the "glove of myhnegon" from Buffy, a nice archaic looking gauntlet that attaches to the wearers arm.

As seen here: 





im pretty sure I have the open hand from the old metal Empire War Altar statue sitting around that might work, will see what I can do

Personally I would simply put some viscid green stuff lookalike around a standard PA hand and paint everything with the sickly Nurgle's Rot. 

I like this idea, but im planning to put it on a Tzeentch marked guy so trying to avoid too much of a nurgly look

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Technically speaking, it doesn't have to be modeled as a literal "hand;" any sufficiently ornate or threatening looking gewgaw would suffice (perhaps one that features hand like symbols or motifs?). A suitably ornate staff or wand; a glowing orb, an arcane symbol or device, would be absolutely fine to represent The Hand, as would even a form of mutation; a vast, glowing claw, out of all proportion to the bearer, some sort of grasping tendril etc.

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Personally I'd model a black alien hand (Tau for example), kept in a brass cage. The cage could be twisted approrpiately from small gauge jewelry wire. The imagery suggests an alien artifact not meant for man, as befits the key to the Blackstone Fortresses.

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