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The Heavy Bolter ....


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It'll make mince meat of cultists, tau, Dark Eldar of all shapes, some Eldar, guard, nids, scouts etc. basically anything with a 4+ or worse. A single heavy bolter doesn't overly frighten marines, but bring enough, and you'll drown even terminators in saves. At str5 honey can glance rhinos to death, and aren't too bad at exploding DE raiders and Venoms. Against air targets, it can't scratch the heavier fliers and can only glance AV 11. I'd look elsewhere for decent anti air. Not terrible at forcing wounds on flying MCs though.


Hope this helps.



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I like the HB a lot on vehicles, devastators, stuff like that. 


Not so much on a tactical squad. I find that the heavy flamer sinergizes better with bolters, as i want to be closer for the double tap. At that range a flamer can often hit way more than 3 times, and with the same S and AP. 


Plus, being an assault weapon keeps the mobility for the squad, whereas a HB is either move and shoot very badly, or stay and shoot precisely.


Just my opinion though

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Its the anti-infantry element in my new Devastator squad I'm fielding- 4 las cannons, 3 plasma cannons, 1 heavy bolter, Sergeant, and a spotter/security marine.


Did nobody else catch this, or am I misunderstanding? You cannot take more than 4 heavy weapons in a Devastator squad, unless you plan on taking two 5-mans and just calling/painting them up like one squad that is in combat squads.

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For BA I find your best heavy choices are Multimelta and Heavy Flamer, the rest are poor fits more often than not. Heavy Bolters work well as Dev squads but why would you take that when you can take four MLs? HB are good vehicle weapons on Razorbacks for which they provide good S5 volume of fire for free and on sponsons for dakka and baal preds.


Also scouts should NEVER leave home wout a HB. Them Blast Hellfire shells.... Yummyy..

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Its the anti-infantry element in my new Devastator squad I'm fielding- 4 las cannons, 3 plasma cannons, 1 heavy bolter, Sergeant, and a spotter/security marine.

You can only have 4 heavy weapons per devastator squad regardless of its size. You could however build twosqadss with four heavy weapons and a sergeant each.
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I really, really want to like heavy bolters because they're some of my favourite minis (the dev squad one is cool, but the sternguard and particularly BA tac ones are about the coolest looking heavy weapons GW have done) and I also like them in the fluff, but... yeah. One on its own seems underwhelming, and dedicating a dev squad to them robs the squad of AT capability. I can't find a good place for them in my CSM or my Space Wolves, and if anything my BA seem to need them even less, especially with the HF sitting there.

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Maybe the Heavy Bolter should be turned into a Salvo weapon.


There was a rumour a while back (before 6th dropped?) that GW was going to do just that. It didn't pan out, unfortunately.



They probably chickened out of having to update so many codices because it's a staple gun that's everywhere.. Fixing it on one list would cause an uproar and we know how much GW can be assed to update FAQs for codices.

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They probably chickened out of having to update so many codices because it's a staple gun that's everywhere.. Fixing it on one list would cause an uproar and we know how much GW can be assed to update FAQs for codices.



That's why a lot of the common weapons like Bolters and the like should be in the BRB instead of in the individual codices. That way, if you want to update a weapon's profile, you issue ONE FAQ, not a dozen.

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They probably chickened out of having to update so many codices because it's a staple gun that's everywhere.. Fixing it on one list would cause an uproar and we know how much GW can be assed to update FAQs for codices.



That's why a lot of the common weapons like Bolters and the like should be in the BRB instead of in the individual codices. That way, if you want to update a weapon's profile, you issue ONE FAQ, not a dozen.



They already are...


Of course, this leads to some people complaining about them being there and not all in one Codex ("Oh the new Codex isn't complete, blabblablhab") but hey-ho.

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