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Night Lords of the 4th Cohort


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I recently popped a couple of pictures of my NL commanders in the Night Lord Forum - one of the replies suggested I put a bit more of my stuff up in the Hall of Honour - and so this thread is born.

I'm currently painting Konrad, and when he's done, my force will be about 10,000 points, give or take. Its sits around 200 painted models, which has me convinced that I've got one of the largest Night Lord warbands on Terra msn-wink.gif - be interested to know if that's true or not!

The set up has a couple of ways of being run - I can run it from both the Chaos codex (more usual) or as a biker list from the SM codex.

Ive been working away at this since late 2008 - they made their tournament debut in June 2009. The pace of completion has varied - Ive had 3 month blocks where 2000 points was completed, and 12 month blocks where very little was done.

My plan is to put up the pics I have to hand at the moment, and then slowly take good photos of each unit and add them to this thread.

This is the family photo (almost every painted model in my collction - minus a daemon prince (stock) and 20 bloodletters (that were my generic lesser daemons - from 2009):


Lord and retinue:


Khorne marked, close combat armed claw:


Bolter armed claw:


Obliterators (these were created as sorcerors who could fire a range of shooting "spells" - long before psykers became good!):


My terminator Lord - Oleksandr Diabolun - Duke of Halonia, Lord Commander of IV Cohort, VIII Legionne Astartes, 'The Tyrant of Carparthia', 'The Shadow Stalker', 'The Infanticidal':


Commander of the biker army:


Hope to start taking a couple of good photos a week -



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Ben? The screen name and the army looks familiar, then I saw the plaque and thought they must be yours! These guys are fantastic, from the conversions to the paint jobs and the fluff. Always a pleasure seeing them and I'm looking forward to the pictures of individual units.
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jawdrop.gif jawdrop.gif jawdrop.gif jawdrop.gif


That's a massive army, very well painted AND with cool conversions.

You've just skyrocketed into my personal Night Lords hall of fame.


Ave Dominus Nox, Brother

Edit: Seriously, we need to see more pictures of your miniatures, of ALL OF THEM. (I tried finding a GIF with the Emprah saying (Wipe them out,) "ALL OF THEM", but couldn't find one. In any case, if you could find the time to take close ups of your models and post them here, (an update per week would give us all a couple months of enjoyment) that'd be great.

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