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Legio Victorum allied Knight Houses


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I recently decided to paint my Titian's as Legio Victorum and I wanted to check if there was any information on allied Knight houses for this Titan Legion. While I was discussing different Titan legions a friend mentioned in passing that he believed that this legion did in fact have an allied house. However, my search has turned up nothing so now I turn to your knowledge on the boards. Thanks!

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Not much is mentioned about the Foe Slayers, beyond brief entries in Codex: Titanicus, WD 109, and the Imperial Armour campaign books covering Armageddon. We know they are base out of the Forge World Triplex Phall, formally known as Galatia, located on the Eastern Fringe of Ultima Segmentum, in the path of Hive Fleet Kraken. For Knight Houses in the area, not many are mentioned, although one is pictured fighting along side the Ultramarines in the IK Codex.



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