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jetpack thrust move after regrouping?

Black Marshal

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The question came up at my FLGS. Can jetpack infantry use their thrust move after regrouping. Outlined below is the argument that regrouping is a basic rule and thrust move is an advanced rule therefor you can use your thrust move after a regroup.


Thrust move
A jet pack unit that is not locked in combat or charging can move up to 2D6 in the assault phase, even if that have shot or run in the preceding shooting phase or arrived by deep strike that turn. When jet pack units move in the assault phase and do not charge they move just as they would when using their jet packs in the movement phase.


Once a unit has regrouped, it cannot otherwise move (so cannot run in the shooting phase or charge in the assault phase)


Basic vs Advance
Basic rules apply to all the models in the game, unless stated otherwise. They include the rules for movement, shooting and close combat as well as the rules for morale. These are all the rules you’ll need for infantry models.
Advanced rules apply to specific types of models, whether because they have a special kind of weapon, unusual skills, because they are different to their fellows, or because they are not normal infantry models. The advanced rules that apply to a unit are indicated in its army list entry. Army list entries can be found in a number of games workshop publications such as a Warhammer codex

Where advanced rules apply to a specific model, they always override any contradicting basic rules.


Even after researching it I still feel its wrong. Can anyone else set me straight on this rule?

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To me, "it cannot otherwise move" very clearly indicates that you cant use the jetpack move unless you get a specific exception that allows you to do so. Having the possibility to move in the assault phase does not override the restriction of regrouping.


Else you could also use the jetpack move while being on the run, right?

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Else you could also use the jetpack move while being on the run, right?

You can in the Assault Phase. Even right after a Deep Strike, too.


Considering all those, I would say, yes you can Thrust in the Assault Phase after a Regroup from precedent, but not exactly Written.

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You certainly cant use the jetpack move while falling back oO (thats what I meant with "on the run")^^

Considering that there IS a Run move in the game, and the Jet Pack Thrust move in the Assault Phase specifically addresses that, you can probably see where my "confusion" came from.

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I am in agreement that you can use it after a regroup this makes me wonder when else this advance rule can be used to over ride a basic rule. For example (and this is with out checking the brb right now) could you do a thrust move while gone to ground a la "star lord"?

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I am in agreement that you can use it after a regroup this makes me wonder when else this advance rule can be used to over ride a basic rule. For example (and this is with out checking the brb right now) could you do a thrust move while gone to ground a la "star lord"?


Technically you probably could do this unless something says otherwise. Doing so would certainly not be in the spirit of the game though. You could argue that since the model isn't allowed to move in the movement phase that turn and the Thrust move is used in the same way as it would be in the movement phase then it can't, but I don't think it every clearly states that.

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